Chapter 7 - There's No Closer Bond Than Family

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**** Brendon's Point of View ****

"I can't wait to see you Brennykins!" Mom giggled from the other end of the phone line.

"I could say the same." I smiled.

"And I can't wait to meet all your kids!" She squealed excitedly. "I'm so excited to meet my grandchildren finally!"

"Yeah. They're all very excited to meet you too, I promise."

"So one of them is Damien's little girl, right?"

"Kaitlyn, yeah..."

"And how are you dealing with that?" She asked, sounding a little more worried.

"Well, I've been getting there. It's still really hard, but I'm just trying not to show it, I suppose."

"Well, that's good Brenny. Has Sarah been looking after you?"

"Of course. She always is. I'm just worried I'm not doing a good enough job of looking after her." I admitted sheepishly.

"I'm sure you are Bren. Your Dad and I love the new song, it's great. We hear it on the radio all the time!"

I smiled. "I'm glad. It's doing much better than I could've imagined."

"I'm so proud of you Brenny Boo. I knew you'd be the most amazing musician from the moment you first tried the drums."

I chuckled. "Thanks Mom."

"How's the baby shower planning coming along? Only two weeks! I'm so excited to come and see you! It feels like forever!"

"It really has been forever, and I'm sorry about that."

"All your brothers and sisters are coming too. Do you have room in your house or should we book a hotel?"

"Well I'll try to sort something out. We'll have to see." I stated unsurely.

"Well, it's only two weeks Bren. How many rooms is your house?"


"There's six of us coming, plus your three you have a spare room or do the children all have their own rooms?"

"Well all the kids have their own rooms but we can shuffle them around a bit if we have to."

"Is that going to upset them? We can get a hotel."

"I honestly don't know." I sighed. "I'm not good at working stuff out."

"We'll just book a room."

"Do you want me to pay for it?"

"No, no, of course not Brenny. " She assured. "Your father and I will probably want to stay somewhere expensive. You know how we are."

"At least let me help pay for it."

"No Brennyboo. Absolutely not. You focus on the baby."

"Look, it's just a late Christmas present."

"You sent us a christmas present Brendon. It's fine. Don't worry."

"I'd feel terrible if I didn't help."

"You help just by being you Brenny. I can't wait to see you!"

"Alright, we'll if you need any help, tell me, alright?" I stated.

"Shh. Don't worry about it Brenny. If anything, I should be the one helping you."

"Why so? You shouldn't need to help me at all."

"Because you've got a baby on the way and Sarah isn't letting me chip into your therapy bills anymore and I feel so guilty about that Brenny."

"You shouldn't be guilty. You paid for things for me for many years. You shouldn't feel guilty at all." I assured. "And why on earth were you paying for therapy anyway? That shouldn't even be Sarah's problem. I should be the one sorting it out. It was my stupid mistake."

The Fear of Falling Apart | Just One Regret #2Where stories live. Discover now