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***** Brendon's Point of View *****

I laughed slightly at the prospect, taking it as a light-hearted joke, but it dawned on me it might be true. "R-Really?"

She nodded and handed me a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it was positive.

"I went to the doctor the other day. It's certain." She said with a smile, although I could see nerves eating away at her.

I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath in. "Wow..." I breathed.

"Congratulations!" Gerard exclaimed happily. "Wow! This is incredible news! Was this planned or..."

We shook our heads. "Not really." I stated, before smiling. "I'm not against it though." I wrapped Sarah in a hug.

We enjoyed each other's embrace for a moment before turning to the three Urie children sitting at the table, every single one of their faces sollen.

"That's four." I chuckled slightly. "Isn't that weird to think about?"

Kaitlyn choked on a sob and ran away from the table.

"I'll be back." I promised before chasing after her.

I tried to open her door, only for it to appear locked. There wasn't a lock on the door.

"Please let me in Kaitlyn. Let's talk."

There was no response.

"Please little worm, let me in." I practically begged.

Again, the only thing I got in return for my begging was silence.

I remembered the window on the other side of the house and quickly dashed around there.

I opened up the window with a bit of trouble and found her crying on her bed. The bookshelf was pushed up against the door, with the chair being used as a lever to hold it in place.

"Kaitlyn..." I stammered.

"Go talk to Sarah!" She sobbed.

I gently sat down next to her. "What's wrong little worm?"

"Y-you're going to i-ignore me!"

"What? No, no, of course not. Never." I assured.

"Y-yeah you will." She sniffled. "I-Its what happened to o-one of my old foster families."

"We're not them Kaitlyn. We're your real family. And we'll never, ever, ever ignore you."

"Y-You're going to l-love them m-more."

"That's not true either. You're as much our kid as them." I assured.

She shook her head. "I'm y-your friends k-kid, not y-yours. You d-don't even have to l-love me!"

"Family isn't determined about who was given birth to by who. Family, Family is determined by who you love more than anything in the world. You're my family Kaitlyn Urie, and I love you so much."

She sniffled. "D-do you have any n-names in mind?"

I chuckled. "Kaitlyn, that was the first time I'd heard about the baby too. I've literally known I'm going to have to parent a fourth kid for less than 10 minutes."

"Are you excited?" She asked, wiping her eyes.

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"Sorry for running off."

"It's okay little worm." I assured. "Let's move this bookshelf, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

She helped me move the shelf from it's spot back to the wall, and I opened the door and escorted her back to the dining room.

The Fear of Falling Apart | Just One Regret #2Where stories live. Discover now