Chapter 9: Mom?

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When Frank and I had gotten back from the drive in a few hours ago, we decided to have a little round 2 (if you know what I mean). Now it was almost 1 in the morning and I was laying in bed next to Frank as he slept.

His snores were sort of quiet, but loud enough to be heard if you slept beside him. I didn't sleep, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about how mom and dad could have left me here.

I sighed and ran my fingers on Frank's forehead, where his sweaty hair was stuck.

"I know you aren't asleep, kitty." Frank muffled from under the pillow.

"Yeah, but you should get some. It's late and I know that you're tired, don't worry about me. I'll fall asleep soon."

He lifted himself off the pillow and held his head up with his hand. "No, you obviously have something on your mind, and the only way you'll find a solution to it is to talk about it. Besides, I care about your well being and getting two hours of sleep isn't going to be good in the long run."

"It's just... my parents. They couldn't just leave me, I mean I don't think they even know where I am and just like what if they did? I mean I know I can take care of myself and everything and just-"

Frank cut me off by placing his lips on mine. "It's all gonna be fine, Harley. They're probably just busy right now, they'll come around. But know that I'll always be here for you know matter what, even if you don't want me to be."

"We should just get married," I joked. "No one could tell me what to do anymore. It would just be us against the world."

"We can if you want." He whispered.

"Oh, don't worry Frank, I was joking. You don't have to be roped in a relationship with me for the rest of your life." I grinned.

"No, seriously. We could get married, it would be a pleasure to have such an amazing girl like you as a wife. Although I would suggest us getting married after you finish school." He laughed.

"Yeah, but I don't think I wanna talk about marriage for a long time. I wanna just live a bit."

"And thats fine with me. Just know that I..." He didn't finish the sentence, although I could tell what he was going to say.

"I love you, too, Frank. I have ever since we met in that fucking classroom. I. Love. You."

"I don't know whether to respond to that with 'I love you' or 'I love you, too'." He awkwardly smiled.

"Just shut up and kiss me you idiot." And with that, he pulled his face closer to mine and enclosed the space between our lips.

He pulled away and took my hand, pulling his fingers through mine and tracing them with his other hand.

"I." He kissed my cheek. "Love." He kissed my nose. "You." He placed his lips on mine once again before wrapping his arm around me, where we fell asleep peacefully.


I woke up the next morning to see Frank's side of the bed empty. I yawned and sat up, pulling my hair into a ponytail and stepping out of the bed. The cold air around me hit my body, which was only clothed with my undergarments. I pulled Frank's old Black Flag shirt over my head and walked down the steps.

On the counter in the kitchen sat a note. I grinned and walked over to it, looking at Frank's handwriting on the sticky note.

"Sorry you had to wake up without me. Had to go to surprise meeting at school. Swear I would rather be at home making you breakfast that would most likely end up being burned.

Anyway, there's eggs in the fridge, bread in the cupboard and cereal in the cabinet. Knock yourself out. Be home by two.

I love you. I love you. I love you.


God, he's such a nerd. I scoffed and picked my phone off of the coffee table, where I had left it the night before.

Missed Call.
New voicemail.

I saw my parents number and quickly played the voicemail they had left.

For a few seconds it was just a little white noise, before my mother began talking.

"Hello? Hello, this message is for Harley. Oh, hey Harls, I was just on the phone with your principal. He says your doing good in English and French, and you and your teachers are getting along. Especially Mr. Frank Iero. Now, right now your father and I are getting on a plane from California to New Jersey, and if you don't turn his perverted ass in for deceiving you into thinking you two were perfect for each other than I will myself.

I can't believe you would fall for such a fucking act! God, I thought I taught you to be better than that. No matter what he says, he doesn't love you. All he wants to do is get in your pants, so get all of your shit out of that son of a bitch's house and we're flying you back to California with us. Talk to you later, hun! Have fun!" The machine beeped as the message ended.

I stood there in absolute shock. I couldn't believe she said all those things.

I replayed the message once more, still in disbelief my mother could be so cruel. Most importantly, how can I keep my mother away from Frank? If she sees him, I swear to god, she'll probably kill him.

A few minutes later the door opened. Frank walked into the room grinning.

"Hey, babe. Anything new?"

"Uh, yeah. We're kind of in deep shit." I said, breaking down at the end. I played the message one more time for Frank, before he brought out a shaky breath and looked me dead in the eye.

"We have to leave."



xx abby

I'm Different, I Guess (Frank Iero Teacher/Student) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now