do you miss me?

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Do you miss me? Hug a pillow at night pretending it's me? Missing my hand holding your arm as we lay next to each other. Do you miss me? Because I miss you. Everyday. It's the most difficult heart break I've ever had to endure. To no longer call you mine. To not fall asleep next to you at night time. To not plant gentle kisses upon  your lips in a sleepy haze. Oh, how I miss you. I really hope you miss me too. 

If you ever told me that you missed me...I think I'd feel my lungs inflate again. I think I'd feel my heart start beating. My blood rushing through my veins, warming every part of me to my fingertips to my toes. I've felt so cold and lost since you left...please tell me you miss me.

Sincerely Yours,Where stories live. Discover now