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Maybe it's shallow of me but the more you have your bad days, the kind where you don't want to talk but when you do you're mean, the kind where you ignore every single thing i say to you and i constantly have to repeat myself, the kind where you lose your manners and don't know how to say please and thank you, the kind where you're a completely different person, the kind that make me want to cry because of how you're being towards me...the more you have those days, the more i want to run away. The more i don't want us. The more i don't want you.

I know everyone has these days, i know everyone needs space, but at the end of the day, if you're making me feel anxious and like i wish i wasn't with you anymore, because of how you act towards me when you do have a bad day - surely you know its wrong? Surely you're not the kind of person who wants to destroy every ounce of me for purely just being there. Can we not just be civil and say what we need rather than snapping at every word that escapes the others mouth like a snapping turtle does when theres a finger too close.

How can you sit there and be okay with how you're making me feel? Shouldn't causing me sadness be enough for you to change your actions? Evidently, not enough.

Sincerely Yours,Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu