the first time

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The first time I told you I loved you was in the middle of a fight. I didn't even say the words. I couldn't say them through a strung out sentence of anger. Instead I managed to say 'you know how I feel about you' because there was no hiding how you made me feel.
We said I love you for the first time and I felt honesty. It was meant to be. Honestly I want to blurt it out every chance I get. I think our hearts had just met. You told me you loved me for the first time and I burst into tears. So content with hearing those words coming out of your mouth like the sweetest sound you will ever hear. You told me you loved me and for a second in time, my heart stopped. Hearing you tell me those 3 words made my heart flutter and feel weak at the knees. My darling, can you just say them forever, please?

From that first moment in time I said to myself that I will love you from here...

Sincerely Yours,Where stories live. Discover now