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Some days we just wake up and instantly know it's going to be harder than yesterday. We try and push it away but the certainty of that becomes matter of fact once we sit on the edge of our beds, our feet hanging above the floor, the coldness that makes you flinch once it touches the sole of your feet no longer has an impact. That's when the world has reassured you that today is going to be a hard day. Tiny little daily tasks become a struggle. A further struggle of trying to find the energy to do it all. The overwhelming sadness when you haven't been productive because of that lack of energy. The sensory overload that makes you burst into tears because you can't turn it off. Sometimes it's just one of those days. Make yourself unavailable. Take care of your brave little body. She needs to rest.

Sincerely Yours,حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن