outgrown 2021

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We are welcoming in a new year. One i'm sure that no one thought would come around so quickly. The world was under immense pain in 2020-2021. Things happened that we cannot change. Amongst the chaos that was riddled throughout this Pandemic...we were put at a test for ourselves. Mentally, Physically and Emotionally.

2022 will be my year for diverse change. People that caused me anything other than happiness, people that tested me mentally, people that showed disrespect time and time again will no longer be welcome in my fortitude. 2022 is my year of growth. It is the year i have owed myself countless times before. I no longer have the energy to be anyone other than who i am. We outgrow people when we outgrow a version of ourselves. I've outgrown you.

Sincerely Yours,Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu