was it the right thing?

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Sometimes I wonder if breaking up with you was the right thing to do. If I had of left it would we have been okay? Would we still be in the house we loved? Would everything be fine? Would things have gotten worse? I miss the way you'd hold me. I miss how you kissed me. I miss hearing you call me baby. I miss the surprise butt slaps and squeezes. I miss the play fights and tickle fights. I miss sitting on the bed and watching you get ready for bed or get ready for the day. I miss the things you'd do for me when I didn't ask you to. I miss our dinner ritual. I miss our weekends together. I miss how excited you'd get when I cooked you food. I miss our Sunday routine. I miss our couch cuddles and egg head selfies. I miss our long drives. I miss you holding my hand when you drove. I miss our road trips. I miss you spooning me. I miss your silly impressions and our inside jokes. What I wouldn't give to have just one more day of this. One more day of all the things I miss. To be yours for one more day would surely be bliss.

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