Getting started as a shinobi

Start from the beginning

Anko then gave an order "Okay gaki, pack for 2 weeks as we will stay in Suna for a couple of days" With a nod Naruto used a teleportation seal to get him to his base which shocked all of the genins present. Anko then waved goodbye and shunshined away.

If they have waited for 2 hours more, they would see a pissed of Sakura ranting that most of her civilian clan assets being taken as they needed to repay a massive debt. Making Sasuke, Sai, Kakashi and everyone in the room wanting to kill themselves just not to hear her skreeching. When the mission completion poster was shown and Sasuke asking about where is Naruto and Hiruzen telling them that he is on a duo C-rank mission, Sakura was demanding that their team was able to do a B rank due to Sasuke. They got a D rank instead.

When Sasuke asked about Naruto's last name, Sakura was stating that it was fake (sorry but making Sakura a bitch, hopefully she will calm down later on). But when they discovered that he is the son of Minato and Kushina they shut up. Inwardly for one of them, they where fuming in anger, but another was sad that he couldn't teach his sensei's son.

--- At the gate 20 minutes later ---

Naruto was leaning on the wall whilst waiting for Anko, then he saw Anko with a small backpack whilst eating dango. "Okay gaki, you got everything?"

Naruto nodded "I realised that we will probably go on missions that will take more than a day so I have a specilised storage seal for a month. It includes clothes, camping suplies, hot ramen, other foods, medical kit, 200 kunai and shuriken, 50 senbon, 100 explosive tags, some other seals and a seal making kit."

This impressed Anko "Geez kid, you don't need that much but its better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Okay it will take us 1 day to get to the bandit camp and another 2 days to Suna. There we will stay for a week then we will get back in 3 days."

With a nod they tree jumped to Tanzaku Gai where they will get a hotel and deal with the bandits.

--- Bandit camp ---

It took them 6 hours of travel to arrive in the Town. Naruto was tasked to look for the camp whilst Anko booked the hotel. After they relaxed Naruto showed the bandit camp. Due to Naruto having a massive library he knows a lot of missing-nin and their rank. Naruto identified only one missing nin which was Shiko Lante, a chunin from the village hidden in the waterfall. Luckily he was ranked a C-rank threat with him there where 14 bandits drinking and having fun. Whilst sensing he was looking for anyone who was held 'hostage' but found there where non.

Anko whispered "What is your plan and observation gaki?"

"From what I can sense there are only 15 people here. 14 of them have civilian level chakra meaning there are bandits, whilst there is an individual ranking C-rank. He is a missing nin from Waterfall and specilises in water jutsu's. I will create clones to deal with the bandits whilst I will get the head of Shiko Lante to get the bounty."

Anko approved of that small strategy "I will be on the lookout and if something happens then I will step in" With that Naruto nodded.

Suddenly Naruto's face became emotionless, suprising Anko, then he created 20 shadow clones tasking them to surround the camp. After the signal the clones all threw wind enhanced kunai into the bandits and if possible the missing-nin. The hiding technique worked on the bandits but didn't of Shiko, seeing all of his underlings dead and then seeing a blonde boy sprint suddenly to him he called out 'Water style: 100 needles'. Naruto then created 'Earth style: mud wall' blocking the projectiles. He then used 'Earth style: hidding like a mole' and popped out underneath Shiko. Being to late to dodge but being able to block, he put his arms up to block the punch, the punch was enhanced with chakra making some of Shiko's bone crack. Cursing he got a kunai and went in to fight Naruto. 

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