"Welcome to the trauma unit, Doc. The same amount of chaos, just a little more spaced out."

Harper's shoulder drop and she blinks at him. He breaks into a smile.

"I know you're nervous about it, but you're doing great. Nobody thinks that you're not. Trust me, we'd have heard it by now. You were picked for this position for a reason, Harper. And straight out of residency? I don't think Asher would've went to bat for you so hard if he didn't think that you could do it. You got this, baby. Just breathe, alright?" 

"Yeah." Harper takes a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth.

"I'm gonna go get started on these notes so we can get out on time." Yoongi says as they approach their offices.

They're on the same end of the hallway but a few doors down from each other.

"Please? Because that chili that my mother made is calling my name." Harper groans.

"You better hope Onyx didn't finish it off. You know he loves it, too."

"He probably did. He's the reason that she made it so I wouldn't be surprised." She takes her keys out and unlocks her office door.

A gold plaque on it reads 'Dr. Harper Min-Taylor. OR Head Pharmacist'.

"When his chili and tortilla chips kick drops, you'll be able to have your chili in peace. Until then, you can forget it." Yoongi says as he laughs.

He unlocks his door and the bright light from the hall bounces off of his gold plaque.

'Dr. Yoongi Min-Taylor. Trauma Director'

"Then we can go back to eating fruit salads together and watching Popeye." Harper smiles.

"I still cannot believe Luca got him into that."

"To be fair, it wasn't on purpose. He just watches it all the time so Onyx did too, by default."

"It got him to eat a green veggie so I'm not complaining. It's one of the only ones that he'll eat but at least it's something." Yoongi bargains.

It had been hard for Onyx to try new foods for the longest time. This is a common trait for a lot of toddlers. However, due to Onyx's ASD, it's almost impossible.

He will only eat food that aren't mushy in texture or an in-between of solid and liquid. For example, pudding? Won't eat it. Jell-O? Won't eat it. Mashed potatoes? All of a sudden, at 18 months, he refused to eat them.

His peas have to be a little crunchy or he spits them out. He likes the smooth beanie butter only and only likes the smell of Jif peanut butter.

Harper and Yoongi think that peanut butter all smells the same but their son is sensitive to scents like that.

As he got closer to three years old, it got more prominent.

Yoongi tried a new after shave and Onyx wouldn't go anywhere near him until he stopped using it. He'd plug his nose and push him away.

Harper bought a new shampoo for her hair and Onyx would frown every time she had a wash day.

Hailey had to stop using one of her incense and throw out every candle similar to it because Onyx refused to come into the house one day.

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