Chapter 19

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"My Lady." Ophelia greeted as she placed a tray of dessert and chamomile tea on a table. Aria smiled gratefully before setting aside her paper works to walk and comfortably sit on her coach where the other had prepared her snacks.

The lady-in-waiting served the young lady her usual tea which she gladly accepted.

"Also, there has been a large gossip spreading amongst the commoners." Aria raised one of her eyebrows at the statement.


"It's about Her Majesty and that whore of a mistress. News got out that they arranged a tea party at the same day so they are assuming that the Empress is purposely setting it up in order to bully the mistress. Which we all know is far from the truth!" She rambled as she continued to tell her about the details regarding the rumors and stories that the people have come up with.

Aria frowned as she listened. The Empress had always organized a tea party whenever spring is around the corner for it is the season where many ladies are introduced to society. But, of course, many people outside of nobility are unaware of that so rumors such as those can arise.

However, when she recollected the names of the people from Rashta's side, the person who have spread these stories cannot be the Emperor nor the Viscount that constantly visits her, according to what the Empress have mentioned to her through their letters.

She hadn't have much time on her plate to be able to visit the palace so they have resorted into letters. Although, she knew that even if she did, she wouldn't come either way because of a particular duke that she wanted to avoid. As long as she had not settled her mind yet, she decided to keep her distance as much as she can.

Based on how the rumors were constructed, it was clear to her that the person behind it had a motive to weaken the Empire's power. Because not only was the Empress the villain of the story, but the Emperor was criticized as well for being the root of the problem. It is hard to rule a nation if its people despises the Emperor and thus, their overall power decreases and the Empire will become unstable.

So who else could have plotted it other than the Bluvohan Duke himself? A foreign noble who have repeatedly shown signs to have been involved in the mistress' decision making.

A sigh left her lips while thinking deeply.

"My Lady, is there any problem?"

She only dismissed her with a smile. "It's nothing."

Sensing the young lady's dampened mood, Ophelia decided to change the subject. "Oh! I almost forgot, here is the invitation for the debutante ball next week!"

Accepting the letter, Aria read through the letter before folding it. She had an uncertain look. "I don't know if I'll be able to attend, my schedule these days seem to be full..."

But once she saw Ophelia's disappointed face when she looked up, she changed her mind. "But since this only happens yearly, I think I'll make an exemption."

Immediately, the younger lady's face brightened up and began telling all of the beautiful dresses that the Lady Valea could wear for the event. Seeing her enthusiasm made Aria smile.

On the night of the debutante ball, she finally settled on what to wear. Her hair was styled in a formal half up hairdo with small braids intertwined in small gems that sparkles when made contact with light. A silver wreath completed the entire look, beautifully matched with her outfit.

Like the headpiece, it was a silver gown where numerous gems were sewn at the end part of the long skirt. The bodice, embroidered with small designs around her waist on a fabric which serves as a belt, were two fabrics overlapped on one another. It perfectly hugged her figure unlike the skirt which delicately flowed like a waterfall.

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