Chapter 7

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Taking a sip of her cup, Aria listened to her ladies-in-waiting who were excitedly informing her and one another about the latest gossips they have all gathered. The young lady let them go on about with a gentle smile. It was a bright sunny day, which led to her decision to have a nice tea gathering with her close ladies-in-waiting, all of whom were greatly delighted by their Lady's decision.

"Countess Manchester apparently divorced her husband."

"I heard the Count had an illegitimate child with a secret mistress. The Countess must have been furious and cut ties with him as soon as it reached her ears!"

She was back at the Valea Manor the day after the New Year's Ceremony had ended. The young woman wasn't originally going to leave immediately but the urgent matter at the Valea duchy forced her to come with her brother as soon as the sun peaked up.

Upon arriving, Amaris explained to her the situation. Apparently, different magical academies reported a loss of magical powers from different gifted students. They have been conducting a thorough investigation in order to find any traces or hints as to why this sudden incident is occuring. Although it was not new news, reports about the rapidly decreasing population of mages had started to become way out of hand and she fear it may affect the country's forces if it worsen any further.

'No wonder brother looked so tired at the banquet.' She thought, remembering the pile of documents she had volunteered to do so that her father would be able to focus more on the serious situation at hand.

Ever since the annual event at the Imperial Palace, she had been inside the manor, not bothering to go out because of the arising issue. The young lady was stuck with the never-ending cycle of half handling her father's written documents, sleeping, eating, and researching any books related about mages at her family's private library. She wanted to assist her family in any way that she can.

Unfortunately, none of the books she have gone through this far had any information that would be of any help.

"Also, it seems that the rumor about that Mistress being a runaway slave is true!" Ophelia's statement brought Aria's wandering mind back to her surroundings.

"Oh?" Aria tilted her head, waiting for the curly haired girl to continue.

"Yes! During the last day of the New Year's celebration, Viscount Lotteshu revealed that she was his missing slave. Since His Majesty wasn't there, no one was able to stop him from blurting it out. It has all been hushed down so I was only able to hear about it through one of Marchioness Gera's tea party." Ophelia explained as the rest intently listened.

'Ah, no wonder His Majesty was so fast in leaving the ballroom. His precious little Mistress got exposed.' Aria thought with an indifferent expression. She listened to Ophelia and the other ladies discuss about the topic quietly as she enjoyed her oat tea.

'It's not my problem and it doesn't affect me in any way, so it would be a waste to put my energy on such a topic. Besides, there are much more important work that requires my attention.' She looked at the various flowers planted on the bushes nearby from a window. 'I'm stressed enough as is. I'm sure they'll be able to handle it.'

Indeed, she was extremely busy to the point that she had to politely decline every invitations she receives. A social gathering in particular made her quite disappointed that she wasn't able to attend. Based on the letters she received from the other ladies who were in attendance, nothing totally out of the blue happened. But even so, she still can't help but be slightly upset due to the fact that the Duke of Bluvohan was there as well.

Because of the frequent discussions being brought up pertaining to the Duke, it was inevitable for the Lady Valea to be curious as well. However, seeing as he chose to link himself with the irritable mistress she had a deep scorn for, it was best to not associate herself with the handsome man at all. Perhaps it was all for the best.

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