Chapter 1

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A colorful atmosphere greeted her as tall green trees extended out throughout the vast field. The familiar scent of hyacinths filled her sense of smell while the young lady relaxed under the large beaming sun above her.

The sun's bright rays reflected on her long wavy blonde locks that cascaded down her back, giving it the illusion of having golden shimmers surrounding the young noble like a halo. Aquamarine hues tinted her iridescent eyes, resembling the color of ocean waves as it clashes amongst each other.

As she took a sip from her teacup, one of her ladies-in-waiting approached her in a swift manner.

"My lady, a big rumor is going around the Imperial Palace." She started, making the noble lady lift her eyebrow ever so slightly at the sudden news.

'A rumor? How serious could it be for Ophelia to come rushing to my side so quickly.' She thought.

"Continue." The Lady said, urging the woman to carry on with her words.

"It seems that the Emperor arrived from his hunting trip with a lowly female that got caught on one of this traps. His Majesty commanded the servants to bathe and take care of the injured girl and is currently residing there as we speak. A rumor had spread throughout the palace that the said female is a runaway slave and will become his mistress after her recovery." The brunette explained as the other ladies-in-waiting that accompanied the young lady gasped at the revelation.

"A runaway slave? That is preposterous!"

"Outrageous! Why should a mere slave be treated like of high status?!"

"This is highly absurd, it is an insult to Her Majesty!"

Aria frowned at the story, letting her ladies-in-waiting talk to each other in exasperated tones about the rumor.

"Cordelia, send Her Majesty a letter requesting an audience. I must visit the Empress after such a long while." She ordered as a brunette with shoulder length hair, a contrast to Ophelia's which reached her waist, nodded before leaving.

Meanwhile, inside the palace walls where the Imperial Empress of the Eastern Empire resided, two ladies-in-waiting were conversing about the same ongoing rumor.

"Gosh! I can't believe His Majesty!" The redhead exclaimed as she waved her arms around to further express her point.

"I agree.. We should only have to wait upon Her Majesty." The other lady agreed, her dark brown hair pulled into a neat bun as an ivory towel was laid on her arms.

"It's so obvious that she's a runaway slave– oh!" The red headed lady halted at the sight of the Empress. The two immediately attended to her aid, purposely avoiding to mention anything about the rumor.

Navier, who noticed their awfully quiet demeanor, asked. "Did something happen while I was away?"

In a millisecond, Laura blurted out. "Yes! And it's a very big deal!"

She then filled the unaware Empress in about the recent events and the so-called runaway slave the Emperor had apparently taken quite a liking to. After a while of explaining, she decided to inquire the Emperor about it later in the evening during their dinner together.

As her two loyal ladies-in-waiting prepared her for supper, an attendant came with a letter in his hands.

"Your Majesty, you have a letter from the House of Valea."

"It looks like the news have reached Lady Aria's ears as well." Navier concluded, accepting the letter as the attendant left to continue doing his other duties.

"Lady Aria? Does that mean she has finally returned?" Countess Eliza queried as Lady Laura vigorously nodded in excitement.

"Yes! I heard she just arrived a few days ago and is resting in the Valea Duchy after a long journey." Laura exclaimed.

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