Chapter 9

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Conversing with a noble, Aria mindlessly laughed along with them as she used a fan to cover half of her face. She was at Duke Ergi's surprise party that he held barely an hour after Duchess Tuania's tea party has ended. The location was at an opera house he rented himself. Since it was the Duke of Bluvohan that hosted the event, practically everyone was there.

"Countess Eliza, it is a pleasure to meet you here." She greeted the older woman.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Aria." The Countess smiled back.

The young lady decided to join in as well since she was still at the capital the moment she heard about the news. So far, she hadn't met the Duke himself due to the fact that he was busy talking with the Duchess of Tuania on the balcony.

As the most popular gentleman and lady, everyone secretly had their eyes on them as they talked among themselves. Even Aria was fairly interested as to what the two nobles are possibly talking about.

Soon after, the first to emerge from the spot was the Duke of Bluvohan. The first thing she noticed about the Duke was his wavy sandy locks that were neatly styled, a few strands framing his forehead. Observing him from afar made her realize that this was the first time she had seen the infamous man ever since his arrival.

Suddenly, a noble man asked him. "Your Grace, do you find Duchess Tuania beautiful?"

Sensing the sudden changes of atmosphere, she could tell that something newsworthy is about to happen. Although, she wasn't exactly sure if she would anticipate what would happen next. She furrowed her eyebrows at the random question of the noble man.

However she was much more taken aback by the Duke's answer. "Now I understand why so many men fall for her."

'Is he seriously going to start a whole rumor right here and there?' She was beyond bewildered, but she hid her surprised expression behind her fan. Many people around her began whispering to each other in hushed voices.

The Duchess in question who also heard his response as she walked towards the crowd gave him a cold glare. She snapped at him, resulting to an unexpected argument.

Before she knew it, the entire situation quickly escalated into a cat fight between two women. She recognized the other noble as Duke Ergi's former lover who was still pursuing him even after breaking up. Well, according to the whispers of the nobles beside her which she assumed to be true.

Silently examining the commotion somewhere in the crowd, Aria was convinced that this incident would be the hottest topic for the next few weeks and numerous rumors will definitely arise. With one last look, she turned around to leave. It would no doubt be the talk of the week. As a close friend of the Duchess, she hoped that all of these ruckus would die down soon.


Taking a stroll through her garden, she let her mind wander as she continued to walk without any particular destination in mind. Ever since she returned from her trip to the Southern Empire, everything became much more of a frenzy than usual. So she wanted to take this time to distract herself from the reality she had to live in by spending some time out in the nature.

Peace, at last.

Spotting a bush covered with many fresh white roses, she went closer to it. The woman carefully plucked out one of them as she admired its beauty. Slowly, she plucked out several more along with other types of flowers she saw and kept it in her hand to put in a vase when she returns to her bed chambers.

Smiling satisfactorily, she retraced back her steps until she saw the manor. She walked through the hallway while many servants bowed towards the lady in respect as she went passed them.

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