Chapter 6

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"Weren't you supposed to rebuild your reputation?" An exasperated blue haired man looked at the Western Prince infuriatingly. "Use covert, not overt tactics! And why must you be overt with the Emperor of the Eastern Empire! All of our spying would have been for nothing if you keep it up!"

However, the Western Prince only looked at the man with disinterest, his lectures going from one ear to the other. Although there was a part of himself that looked at the blue haired man guiltily, knowing that he should have kept a lower profile ever since his arrival.

The blue haired man suddenly halted from all of his lecturing when Heinrey put on of his hand toward him. "What? Are you gonna hit me?"

The Prince only ignored his words and said. "Stay still."

With the wave of his hand, the man was replaced with a small blue bird that now rested on his hand. He then ordered. "Give this letter to Ergi."

"Squawk?" The tiny bird let out a confused sound as the Western Prince tied the letter to one of his new pair of legs.

"I promise to stay out of trouble. So now, go give it to him." He reassured to the blue bird. "It's a covert tactic, just as you wished."

As he looked out into the sky where the blue bird flew off, he sighed before turning his back to retire for the night.


Spending the afternoon with Navier drinking green tea, they discussed the turbulent events of last night.

"Prince Heinrey is nothing like the rumors." Laura remarked as both she, Countess Eliza, and as well as Aria's two ladies-in-waiting surrounded the two nobles.

"He's a surprisingly good person." Navier agreed.

"Yes. He's a jolly character but not flippant. He can be serious during appropriate times." Countess Eliza added as Cordelia nodded.

Ophelia held the teapot to refill Aria's cup before saying. "He is such a gentleman. The audacity that frivolous cry baby has to attempt fooling him."

"I'm just relieved that the slave's lies are exposed. I hope those nobles that visited her would finally come to their senses." Laura huffed crossing her arms.

"I doubt it." Navier opposed making Aria slightly frown. "Lady Artina told me that Baron Lante tells a different tale."

"The vice-captain of the Royal Guards?" Aria asked, making Navier nod. "Indeed."

"He said that Lady Rashta is so lovely and charming to the point that two powerful figures would fight for her." Navier explained as Laura looked in disbelief along with Ophelia who scowled.

"I can't believe it..." Aria muttered to herself, taking a sip of her cup. The entire situation was almost laughable to her, really.

A moment later, a familiar magnificent bird appeared on the open window of the salon. Navier's face lit up as she approached the creature, hugging it delicately to avoid crushing it to death. Aria couldn't help but laugh at how the bird seems to freeze whenever the Empress does it.

"Queen! It's been so long. I missed you."

"I missed you too, you cute little creature." Aria came to pet the bird adoringly as well, a sweet smile replacing her previous frown.

"Squawk?" The bird tilted its head at the Lady Valea, who only let out a small laugh.

Finally noticing the letter tied to its leg, the two read the paper's contents.

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