Chapter 2

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Reading a book that she was recently deeply invested in, Aria almost didn't noticed the footsteps that entered her private library. It wasn't until the person spoke that she finally look up from the novel she held in her hands.

"My Lady! The rumors are true!" Ophelia exclaimed before putting the tray she was holding on the table that was filled with the dessert she had requested moments ago.

"Which one?" Aria queried as she carefully laid the book on the side, not forgetting to put a bookmark on the page she had been reading.

"His Majesty is preparing to make that little cockroach his Mistress! All while Her Empress is busy planning the New Year's Ceremony! How outrageous!" Ophelia informed her as the Lady Valea

'It's not like a low-ranking individual like Rashta will be attending such an important social event. It's where people of high status from all over the world will attend.' Aria thought, but when she looked over more deeply on his attitude during that incident. 'Unless...'

Lady Aria Valea, despite having a profound interest in Herbology, was also well rehearsed in the arts of politics. Because of being a possible candidate to be the future Empress of the Eastern Empire when she was younger, her father encouraged her to study more about politics. A topic that she will inevitably encounter if she ever does become the future Emperor's betrothed.

Clearly, that wasn't the case now for she remained as an unmarried Lady of the House of Valea. Instead, Navier was chosen and as they both reached the rightful age, they were pronounced as husband and wife and became the current rulers of the Eastern Empire.

Coming from the House of Trovi that had produced multiple Empresses in history, it came to no surprise when the former Emperor Osis III chose Navier as the future Empress.

Admittedly, she was slightly disappointed. But even so, the girl quickly got over it and continued to learn more about politics despite her defeat. Seeing the change of events made her sigh in relief of the terrible fate she had avoided to face if she were chosen just a few years ago.

Aria deeply admire Navier for how she was handling the unfortunate situation. If she were to be on her shoes in this very moment, she fear that she may not be able to take it too nicely.

"When will she be appointed?" She inquired.

"If the rumors are correct, it would happen as soon as possible. Most likely, before the New Year's Ceremony." Aria nodded at the piece of information, dismissing Ophelia to leave without any further requests.

Emperors taking on concubines are a common appearance in the history of many kingdoms and empires. As long as the ivory lady knows her place, there shouldn't be any problem.


"I heard a certain rumor going around. They say that the Prince of the Western Kingdom will be in attendance for this year's New Year's Ceremony." One of the noble ladies said. Aria was currently sat on a chair surrounded by many ladies and duchesses that are either within her age or older than her.

She was invited to a tea party gathering hosted by the one and only Duchess Tuania. Given this, all of the attendees are from high ranking families and belonging to the top society of the Empire. The Lady Valea quietly sipped her tea as she listened to the other ladies gossip about the famous Prince.

"Is it true? I heard the Prince is utterly gorgeous."

"Me too! They say that one look from his eyes would be enough to make anyone fall in love with him."

"But I also heard that he's as stubborn as a mule."

"He's always at the centre of scandals involving other women yet he has fathered no child. Do you think that His Highness is perhaps a seedless watermelon?"

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