Chapter 11

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Another four days had passed, Aria was comfortably sat on her sofa chair while sipping on her favorite tea. She was surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting who joyfully chat about whatever comes to their mind. Their ever so bright presence always made her feel contented.

"Apparently, Duke Tuania wants to divorce Duchess Tuania." The mention of the prestigious noble surprised the Lady Valea.

She was aware that the Duke was not particularly fond with the Duchess but even so, why do it out of the blue?

'I'm sure Duchess Tuania would be highly opposed to the Duke's proclamation.' She thought, peacefully sipping her tea as the other woman continued.

"Duchess Tuania was enraged when she heard it and they got into a huge fight! I heard they will be taking it into court." Ophelia explained with wide gestures to put more emphasis on her words.

Cordelia only looked at her younger sibling with an exasperated sigh at the other's improper antics. Being absolutely done with her was an understatement.

"Ophelia, don't be so improper." Cordelia lightly scolded the younger woman, only to be completely ignored.

"Their argument have been the hottest topic since yesterday!" The long haired brunette exclaimed.

"Ah, I see." Aria said with an unfazed look. But deep inside, many questions are stirring around her.

"What's the reason he wanted a divorce?" She inquired after giving it some thought.

"I heard it was because he thought it was suspicious that their son is actually his brother's heir." Gloria admitted, being close friends with one of the people that were actually present during the heated argument.

"And that he couldn't help but be suspicious about the way she usually acts! Along with how she fought with another lady over the Duke of Bluvohan!" Ophelia added.

'That issue happened a long time ago. Why is he just announcing a divorce now? Unless there was someone to make him raise suspicions towards the subject...' Aria's eyes widened in realization.

She vaguely remember seeing Rashta joyfully converse with the Duke at one of the tables close by her. She also recalled all the gossips she heard from Ophelia about the Duchess. In each and every incident that happened, the ivory haired mistress also seemed to be in attendance.

'Could it be?'

Aria placed her empty teacup on its saucer before ordering. "Tell Lady Thalia to come here, I would like to discuss something with her."

The ladies-in-waiting nodded and left without another word. Soon after, a tall woman wearing a knight's uniform with the Valea family's crest entered the salon. The young woman had a long dark sage hair pulled up into a neat high ponytail. She bowed respectfully at the young noble.

"Greetings, My Lady. Is there something I could do for you?" Lady Thalia asked.

"I want you to collect intel about the reason behind the Duke and Duchess Tuania's divorce. Keep this investigation a secret and report to me as soon as possible." The Lady Valea commanded.

The female knight bowed again, responding. "As you wish, My Lady."

Afterwards, Lady Thalia left the salon, leaving the female noble to peacefully ponder in her own thoughts.

After being mostly silent towards the mistress, she cannot simply let her plan succeed. For that would mean Rashta is able to manipulate high society.

As another Lady with high status, Aria also finds it a big threat towards her reputation. Because if she would be able to completely tarnish the reputation of the Duchess of Tuania, an influential public figure who have been ruling the high society for 10 years, then it would be a high possibility for the mistress to do the same thing to her.

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