The reason of no emotion.

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                   2 YEARS BACK
The earth was shaking and screams filled the silence. The loud sound of a bang scared him back into reality as he jumped. Minho was daydreaming again.

I know what your thinking, why would someone daydream about that? Well..The truth is he liked daydreaming about that stuff.

Minho got up from his chair to see what the bang was. He looked out his apartment window and tried adjusting his vision to see better through the dark..but he saw nothing.
So he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away from the window to sit back down at his desk filled with papers. He placed his fingers on his forehead and started rubbing to prevent the headache that was trying to come. He had been reading all day..more like trying to research. On how to start a mafia.

At first it was an idea he had laughed at. But the more he thought about it the more real it became so he decided to research. It had been 4 months since he has been reading and learning everything he could.

"mmh, my head" he said Angrily as he failed to stop the headache from coming.

He grabbed all his papers and stacked them at the corner of his desk.

And then..he heard again that loud bang.

Now that he heard it for a second time..he knew it was a gunshot. So he got a little more interested and looked out the window again and saw cop cars across his apartment with their lights on, but no cops. The more he stared the more curious he got so he decided to go out and see what was going on..without any kind of weapon.

When he stepped foot outside his heart started to race a little not knowing  what he was walking into, but still he walked towards where he heard the loud bang.

He led himself into an apartment hallway a little ways further from where the cop cars were.
And he again got started with a noise, but it sounded as if something dropped this time.

A couple seconds later, Minho felt a hand cover his mouth and another hand grab his shoulder and pull him back behind a wall.

"shh, be quiet I promise I won't hurt you." spoke the stranger as he was scanning his eyes around just in case someone saw him.

"What the hell.  who are you? why did you do that?" Minho asked conceringly.

"Listen, you should be out here right now you need to go inside."

"What? why?"

"Because it's dangerous.."

Minho blinked at the word dangerous.
"Wait, are you the reason those cops are here?"

"They..are NOT cold okay. You need to go inside or you will get hurt."

As the stranger was trying to push Minho away..he quickly retaliated.

"No, tell me what's going on."

The stranger sighed and and tooks a step forward to where the moon was now shining on him and Minho was able to clearly see him. His cheek bones were so obvious and he had black hair, his eyes were hard to miss. if Minho was honest, he looked like a a squirrel.

"What's your name?" asked Minho

"My name is jisu-" Before he could finish his sentence, he hard footsteps coming this way.

"There's no time for you to go back to your apartment." Then he grabbed Minho's hand and started dragging him away as fast as he could.

"Where are you taki-"

"shh be quiet if you don't want to get caught."

They continued running until they hid behind another wall.

"Okay now you seriously have to tell me what's going on." he said Angrily.

"Those guys that are chasing me aren't the police, they are gang members disguised as cops."

"Why are they chasing you."

"Because..I, have something they want."

"Then just give it to them." Minho said annoyingly.

"It's...not that simple."

They then again heard footsteps coming, Minho turned around to see if he could see anybody, but when he turned back around the kid was gone.
"Shit" Minho mumbled to himself.

And before he knew it, two firm hands violently pushed him against the wall..and he was being held at gunpoint.

"Where is the boy, I saw him with you."

*Should I tell them? He looked super young and innocent. and he's just a kid. I can't tell them..I can't.*

And he can't lie to them because he has been silent for to long so they wouldn't believe him.

"Tell me." said the guy in a impatient tone.


As Minho said this two guys came around the corner.

"Just in time boys, this fellow isn't wanting to talk.

"Just shoot him, we need to focus our time on finding him."

He set the gun on Minho's head.
"say goodbye."

But he didn't say anything, And he just accepted it.

And as the guy was about to shoot, the boy came around the corner holding a gun to his own head.

"Let him go, it's ME you want right." the stranger said with sympathy in his eyes.

"Get the gun away from your head." the guy said almost worriedly.

"Let him go or I shoot."

"You wouldn't."

The boy held a tighter grip on the gun and put his finger on the trigger.
"Try me."

The guy started thinking bout it.

" can have me okay just let him go."

Minho became extremely worried at the words that left the boys mouth, and he became even more worried when the guy lowered the gun from him.

"Boys, grab him."
The guys ran over to him and yanked the gun out the boys hand and they both grabbed him.

"You have me. now let. him. go."

The guy started at Minho.

"Leave, and if you tell anyone about this we will find you."

Minho slowly started walking away but then stopped to turn around and look worriedly at the boy.

"Are y'all..going to hurt him?" he asked.

The guy pointed the gun back Minho.

"I said leave!"

"Just go! please go." the boy cried out.

Minho's eyes started watering, and he walked away to where he couldn't be seen anymore , and seconds after, he heard punches and groaning. He recognized the voice that was groaning in pain and he started silent crying and ran to his apartment door, went in, and shut it. He sunk to the ground sobbing thinking of what those guys were gonna do to that young boy.

On that night he lost every bit of emotion he had laving only 2 things.. sympathy and anger. From that night on he would never forget those guys.
And he would NEVER forget that boy who saved him.

I hope my first chapter was good and I hope you guys love it💜

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