13 weeks

419 9 1

November 14th 2018- 13 weeks


"You can do it" Logan said as he watched Em trying to use her crutches for the first time

"Come on" the physical therapist encouraged her "you can do it. Go all the way to your mom"

Rory was standing in front of Em a few feet away

Em got to Rory and fell into her arms, dropping the crutches

"Good job, baby" Rory laughed and kissed Em's head

"Very good job" the physical therapist agreed

"Ok" Logan stood up "I'm gonna go pick up Elle and Lucas. You sure you're ok to stay here tonight?"

"I'm fine Logan" Rory assured him "go get the kids and don't forget-"

"Elle has a late rehearsal tonight" Logan finished Rory's thought "I remember"

"Good" Rory sighed "tell them I love them and I'll see them tomorrow"

"Will do, Ace" Logan said "I'll see you tomorrow, Em" Logan kissed her forehead "I love you and I'm very proud of you" he walked over to Rory "love you, Ace" he kissed her "see you both in the morning" he said and left

"Ok" the physical therapist said "come back to me"


November 15th 2018

"Dad, can we go visit Em?" Elle asked

"You guys aren't allowed to go to the hospital because the flu is going around and we don't want you guys to get sick. But she's coming home tomorrow" Logan said

"Ok" Elle said

"Now get your dance bag, or you'll be late to school"

Logan dropped Elle and Lucas off at school and went to the hospital to see Em and Rory

"Dad!" Em exclaimed when she saw Logan walk into her room around 10am

"Hey" He went over and hugged Em. He walked over to Rory "morning, Ace" he kissed her and then put his hand on her barely noticeable baby bump "morning nugget"

"Dad, you wanna see something?" Em offered excitedly

"Always" Logan answered

"Look" Em got her crutches and And made her way ask the way across the room and back to the bed

"Look at that!" Logan smiled

"They said if I can do a whole lap around the kids floor they'll let me ring the recovery bell" Em said, excitedly

"That's so fun" Logan chuckled

"And I get to go home tomorrow"

"I know" Logan said "Elle and Lucas can't wait"


November 16th 2018


"Hello!" Logan called out when he, Rory and Em walked into the house

"Emmy!" Lucas yelled and ran to them

"Hold on there, mister" Logan stopped him "you gotta be really gently with your sister. You can't push her or pull her or jump on her"

"Ok" Lucas said "can I hug her?"

"Let her sit first" Rory said

Em got situated and Lucas talked her ear off avoid ask the things she missed.

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