First days of school

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September 3rd 2018

"Mom where are my jazz shoes?!" Elle called out from her room

"They should be in your dance bag" Rory told her

"No. I mean the new ones" Elle said

"Closet by the front door" Rory's said

"Mom?" Em poked her head into Rory and Logan's room where they were getting ready to go to work

"What's up, baby?" Rory asked, then. Noticed that Em looked upset "hey" she said softly "what's wrong?"

"What if the other kids don't like me because I'm younger?" Em asked, looking at her feet

"If don't want to go to 6th grade you do NOT have to" Rory assured her "if you start and realize that it's too much you can do 4th grade"

"I did 4th grade" Em reminded her

"Then 5th grade" Rory chuckled "I want you to do what's right for you. Not what you think you should do or what you think I want you to do"

"I want to be in 6th grade" Em said, decisively

"Alright, then." Rory smiled "come here" she pulled Em into a tight hug "you'll do great"



"I'm home!" Rory called out, walking into the house

"Mom!" Em ran up and hugged her

"Hi baby!" Rory hugged Em back "how was your first day?"

"It was so great! We started reading the giver in English class" Em told her excitedly

"You love that book" Rory smiled and wrapped an arm around Em

"I know! And math is hard but it's good. And I don't have to take PE"

"Wow" Rory laughed and kissed the top of Em's head

"Mommy!" Lucas came running down the stairs

"Lukester!" Rory hugged him "how was your first day of kindergarten?"

"We got to color and my teacher said I'm talented" Lucas told her, excitedly

"You are talented" Logan said, walking out of the kitchen "evening,Ace" he kissed her

"Yuck" Em groaned

"Oh, shush you" Rory joked and messed up Em's hair a little "where's Elle?"

"She's not home yet" Logan told her



"Mom! Dad!" Elle came bursting into the house

"Kitchen!" Logan called out. Elle came running into the kitchen "how was your day?" Logan asked, hugging her

"You'll never believe it" Elle was talking a mile a minute "we were in dance class and a Broadway scout came to watch and told us that he was looking for a group of kids for a reboot of Annie on broadway!" Elle stopped to take a breath "so we all got to audition for a real broadway show"

"That's amazing, Elle Belle!" Rory hugged her "how'd it go?"

"I think it was good. I wasn't prepared but I danced really well and I think I sang ok and I already have a monologue prepared so that was good too" she told them

"I'm so excited for you" Logan said


"And I got to audition for a real Broadway show!" Elle told Lorelai over face time

"Wow" lorelai said

"Hi guys" Will poked it head into view

"Hi Will" both girls said at the same time

"Em, how was 6th grade?" Will asked

"Scary" Em chuckled "how was it for you?"

"Same" Will admitted "did you read wonder too?"

"No we read the giver" Em told him "did you learn probability in math?"

"Yeah. It was really hard" Will said

"Hey" Rory walked into the kitchen where the girls were on FaceTime with Lorelai and Will "bedtime"

Everyone said goodbye and hung up. The girls went to bed and a little while later Rory's phone rang

"So. Broadway, huh?" Lorelai said when Rory answered the phone

"I know" Rory sighed "it's crazy"

"Those kids of yours are crazy talented" Lorelai said

"Don't I know it" Rory chuckled


September 15th 2018- almost 2 weeks later

It was Saturday afternoon. Lucas was at a play date. Em was studying at a friends house and Elle was practicing some dance moves in the basement. Logan was cooking dinner and Rory was getting some work done for the times.

The house phone rang

"I'll get it!" Elle cashed out

It was quiet for a few moments

"Ahhhh!" Elle shrieked

Rory and Logan came running down to the basement

"What happened?" Logan asked, worried that she got hurt

"I got Annie!" Elle said, excitedly

"What?" Rory asked, confused

"I'm Annie!" Elle said "I got the part!"

"On Broadway?!" Logan asked, surprised

"I'm gonna be Annie, in Annie on broadway!" Elle jumped up and down

"Oh, my god I'm so proud of you!" Rory hugged her

"Tomorrow we celebrate" Logan said "anything you want"

"I wanna go to Stars Hollow" elle said

"You got it" Rory smiled

What if...?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora