Happy birthday Logan

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Rory was in the kitchen putting together a tray of cinnamon rolls, fruit, orange juice and coffee for Logan's birthday breakfast in bed when Logan walked out of the bedroom towards his desk.

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing? Get back in bed!" Rory shouted

"I just wanted to check my email real quick"

"Oh no no no!"

"What's the big deal?"

"Well I made you a special birthday breakfast in bed and if you don't go back to bed it'll be a special birthday breakfast at a desk which is something I've never heard of. Happy birthday" she said kissing him

"Now it is, now that there are cinnamon rolls involved"

Are you impressed? They're my specialty, I can cook anything that comes in a tube"

"Im impressed and hungry" he said trying a swipe a cinnamon roll from the tray

"Nuh uh uh! Get back in bed! You are the birthday boy, you should not be working you should be luxuriating, eating peeled grapes and being fanned" she argued

"Well what is the birthday boy gets back in bed and is allowed to bring his laptop?" He suggested



After sitting in bed for a little while Logan eventually had to go to a meeting and Rory decided to throw him a massive birthday party after finding out he had never had one.

"Hey!" Lorelai said answering the phone

"Hey, what did we do for my 8th birthday?" Rory asked her mother

"Uh I don't know, is this a quiz? Are you on some sort of radio contest?"

" no for Logan's birthday, I'm trying to put together a night of all the birthday highlights that he missed"

"Oh and you're looking for the classics?"

"Exactly! I remember that we had an outer space birthday when I turned 6"

"Right we made space suits out of garbage bags, we had tang and freeze dried ice cream."

"And when I turned 7 we did a fiesta birthday"

"Right piñatas and tacos and freeze dried ice cream"

"Freeze dried ice cream is the best! I remember really enjoying my 8th birthday I just don't remember what it was"

"Teddy bear tea party!"

" oh that's right! Thanks mom! Bye"

"Bye kid" Lorelai said and hung up


Rory's phone rang

"Happy birthday!" Rory exclaimed into the phone

"Haha thank you"

"What's up?" Rory asked

"My dad just called" he told her

"Really? What did he want" she asked

"We'll by some miracle he actually remembered by birthday. He wants to have dinner with us tonight." He said

"Us? As in you and me?" She said cringing at the thought of having dinner with Mitchum Huntzberger

"Yeah...is that ok with you? I know you were planning something"

"Well we can have the party after"


"Yeah it's fine. The party can't start without you, you're the guest of honor"

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