Future plans

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It has been a week since Rory told Logan about the offer from the Washington post and they had yet to discuss it.

"Hey Logan?" Rory said abruptly as they sat at the table in their apartment reading the paper

"Yeah?" Logan asked not putting down his it half of the paper

"Logan, put the paper down for a minute please." She said seriously

"Ok...is everything ok?" He asked her a little concerned

"Can we talk about?" She asked nervously

"About what?" Logan asked not realizing what she was talking about

"Logan..." Rory whispered

"Oh, that" Logan said realizing that Rory wanted to talk about the possibility of her moving to Washington DC

"They want an answer this week" she told him

"Ok... Is this something you want?" He asked quietly

"Honestly?" She asked and he nodded "it really is. I know I said I wanted the internship at the times but writing for the Washington post would be an amazing opportunity"

"Then you have to do it" he said matter of factly

"Oh" she said quietly not quite looking Logan in the eye

"What's wrong?" He asked her putting his hands on her thigh

"It's just..." she sighed "I didn't think you'd be so ok with me moving so far" she admitted

" well I know we said we'd factor each other in but I don't really know what I'm doing yet, so maybe you take the job, and I'll factor that in"

"Are you saying you'd move to DC for me?" She asked a little surprised

"Not for you, for us" he smiled "now when exactly do you have to give them an answer?"

"I guess as soon as possible"

"Can it wait a little while?" He asked kissing her neck

"Yeah, it can wait a little while" she said moving to sit on his lap and taking off his shirt


"Yes that's right, I graduate in May" Rory said into the phone "August?" She questioned the person on the other end "I should be able to get moved by then" she said "ok thank you so much" she thanked the person on the phone and hung up

"So?" Logan asked her

"They want me to start in august" Rory told her boyfriend

"That's so great!" He said hugging her tightly "when do you wanna start looking at houses?"


"Or apartments" he started "whatever you want" he kissed the top of her head

"I think we should start looking as soon as possible. Tonight when I get home from dinner with the grandparents?" She asked

"Sure" he said with a smile "do you want me to come?" He offered

"Well, only if you want" she said

"Do you want me to"

"Well i wouldn't complain if you came" she teased

"Then I'm coming"


"Rory, Logan, what would you like to drink" Richard asked them as they joined Richard, Emily, Lorelai and Luke in the parlor

"Scotch got me, thanks" Logan requested

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