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September 22nd 2018

"Don't forget you grandma Emily is having a party to celebrate Elle's big news tonight so after school everyone's gonna have to get ready fast" Rory reminded everyone

"Ok" all 3 kids said together

Rory drove Elle to school on her way to work and Logan drove Em and Lucas on his way to work. 


Later that afternoon Rory walked into the dance studio at Elle's school where her class was stretching. 

"Mom!" Elle ran over to Rory

"You ready to go?" Rory asked


Elle's dance teacher walked over to them "hi. You must be Elle's mother. I'm Ben"

"Yes, I'm Rory. Nice to meet you" Rory said

"Your daughter is extremely talented" he said

"Well, we think so" Rory pulled Elle into a side hug

"We're all immensely proud to have a student so young get a lead roll in a broadway show" he said "when do you start?" He turned to Elle

"We start rehearsals next week" Elle said "opening night is December 3rd"

"I hope you know that all your teachers will be there" Ben said "anyway, I don't keep you any longer. Have a nice weekend"

"You too" Rory said


AN: everyone's outfits for Emily's party



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