A new chance

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Regular narration


A boy, that is all that Izuku is, yet he seems to fight more and harder than any hero has, even fighting in two separate wars.

One against the paranormal liberation front, ending in an indecisive draw, and the other against the rest of the forces of All For One and Tomura Shigaraki.

The second war was far worse, the losses of the first one were miniscule in comparison with this one.

Even through the desperation of the ninth wielder of one for all, Izuku Midoriya, had reached the point of singularity and managed to unlock every quirk of the past wielders...


Fa Jin

Danger Sense

Black Whip



Even with all of these powers and the raw strength of one for all and the utility of the other quirks, Izuku still failed, the other heroes still failed.

The only thing one that was now left on his feet, trying to fight despite the blood flowing freely, escaping his body, is Midoriya.

He stands up despite his legs shaking, despite his broken arms, despite his impaled abdomen, he still stumbles up to his feet, glaring at the man responsible for everything that has happened.

All For One...

"Seems like the failed hero still wishes to fight his destiny." The man with no facial features, excluding his mouth, taunted, standing proud with no injuries.

Izuku in response could only cough weakly as he tries to regain his sense of balance before falling on all fours.

"Tell me child. Why continue?" All For One asks while stretching his hand to his left, creating a misty gate.

Izuku tries to stand once more, still unable to conjure the strength to respond to the villain, no, demon in front of him.

The man smiles at the sight of the broken body of the ninth wielder of his greatest mistake of a quirk, before pulling something out of the portal, that being a young child, no older than seven years old with pure white hair and a small horn coming out of the right side of her forehead.

"E-Eri..." Izuku finally says something, only to after collapse to the ground again, coughing out blood and losing strength by the second.

"Well, it would only be poetic if your death was caused by the quirk of a child that you saved. Wouldn't it?" All For One relishes the expression of pure terror that appears on the girls face from looking at her saviour that only got worse with the words said by her kidnapper.

Izuku tries to stand, only to fall again.

All For One grabs lightly the girls face.

Izuku tries to stand again and once more his legs give out.

From the palm of the faceless mans hand a slight light is seen and the girl recoils from it, but doesn't escape.

Izuku tries again to stand, pulling whatever strength he has left, attempting to manifest black whip...

He fails...

He tries to activate float and use his legs to propel himself towards the girl, Eri, to save her...

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