18 | Forever |

22 7 37

"Gio, Gio, Gio."

My djinn walked out and took my hand. As we stood next to each other, the last mirror faded to black and then started shining anew. The cracks were gone. The haze around it was brighter than ever.

Gio's eyes met my reflection. "All fixed and good to go."

I took a deep breath and pulled the contract out of my pocket.

"Keep it," he said, closing my fingers around the scroll. "This way, you'll always have a piece of me with you. It is pure magic—might come in handy."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and pecked my cheek. "Enjoy the rest of your life, Alaia. I'll be here when you need me."

I cupped his face and pressed my lips against his.

"Kiss the scroll like that too sometimes," he suggested, raising an amused brow.

The contract buzzed in my grasp. I chuckled and wiped a tear with the back of my hand. I was going to miss this guy.

Gio's ears stopped quivering when I took a step toward the mirror. Still holding his hand, I touched the surface and watched the glass ripple.

I couldn't—I didn't want to leave. Not like this...

"What if we don't get married?" I asked him. Gio shook his head. "Just hear me out for a minute." Twining my fingers around his, I pulled him closer. "You said that marriage is about finding a life-long companion. I don't have to become your wife for that..."

"Yes, but still, binding our souls—"

"I'm not finished," I said, my eyes glowing. "Our souls are already bound together, Gio. When you smile, I want to smile harder–I already feel your joy. And if you died one day, the pain would break my heart and crush my soul. See, this mirror—you—have changed me forever. You'll always be a part of me. And a piece of me will always be with you because... I love you, Gio."

I gasped. I couldn't believe how easy it was to say those three words out loud.

Gio was opening and closing his mouth like a fish. His silver eyes shone, and his ears left ruffles in the air. Just as I wondered where the fireworks were, sparks spiraled around him, rocketed into the darkness, and cracked above us.

I laughed as Gio wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I could feel his victory deep within my soul—and it wasn't just his; it was mine too. When my feet touched the ground, his lips fell on top of mine.

"I love you too," he whispered and pulled away.

"So, what do you say, Gio?" I held his hands and smiled, his sparks tingling in my heart. "Will you be my forever companion?"

"Yes." He wiped a tear from his eyes.

"You've got a pen?"

He tore the air with the twist of a hand. I took the quill and opened the buzzing scroll.

It took me a second to cross his previous proposal, 'Will you marry me?'

Pressing the scroll against Gio's chest, I scribbled, 'Friends forever.'

Then I signed under it, pricked my finger with the quill's tip, and dripped some blood on our contract.

Gio signed next to my name and pricked his finger. A couple of drops tapped the paper and made me grin. Of course, his blood was golden. I didn't expect anything less.

After rolling our scroll, Gio handed it back to me. It was warmer than ever. I pecked his lips and walked over to the mirror.

"Don't forget to—"

"I won't," I assured him. I had to call his name three times when I got out.

With a nod, he let my hand go.

"See you on the other side," I whispered and dived into the mirror.

It was evening now in Mom's bedroom. Moonlight was streaming through the windows behind the bed. Everything was right where I had left it in the morning.

I grabbed the frame and smiled at my reflection. It wasn't cracked anymore. "Gio—"

The lights in the room switched on with a click.

"Alaia?" Mom's voice made my head turn.

She was standing by the door with shopping bags in her hands. Her rosy cheeks were chalk-white, in perfect contrast with the long black dress she had on. Her dove eyes widened with something I'd never seen before—fear.

"What—" She cleared her throat. "What are you doing here?"

Her gaze dropped to the scroll in my hands.

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