He's my Clarity

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2 weeks later~

"Chaz! Give me a hand here! These chair's won't hold Crimson's goons out for long!" Hana was using her strength to hold the doors shut while she felt the 4 goon sharks pound their way in. They were breaking down the doors and Chaz was rushing to find cash in the store to grab plus some food. He stolen a car since his was destroyed so he used it to run out of the store tossing the cash and food in the back boot before he took out his large bat to help Hana out.

"Ahhh! They are nearly in! CHAZ!!" Hana screamed out as the fists of the goons were blasting though the weak doors. She uses a small wooden axe to chop off their hands and she steps back when Chaz grabbed her wrist both of them were running out of the store to escape the mob of goons blasting their way in the store.

For the past 2 weeks, Hana and Chaz have been on the run to get back to IMP city. It was difficult as it wasn't easily since so many demons were on their asses.

Chaz managed to teach Hana how to start a car without using keys and how to defend herself using a weapon such as a bat or axe. He didn't like her using guns but he told her she can use a gun only when necessary.

He kept two pistols in his pockets. One was for her but he would only let her use it for emergencies. He still had the bat he found two weeks ago. He still uses it since he quite liked it. But he did found and have her a machete just in case. But he would use his gun if he had to.

Chaz told her to hold onto him as he ran as fast he could. He managed to make it to the car. The car he stole was a red mustang which was pretty fast. He quickly opened the passenger door and put her inside. He then put all the stuff he found in the backseat. He then starts the car and quickly sped off fast. But Chaz told Hana to buckle herself tight so she doesn't get hurt.

A few cars with goons in them chased after Chaz and Hana. But they were really close to leaving the city. Once they did, they'd be one step closer to finding IMP. They were on the highway bridge. "Hold on Hana. We're hitting 110." Chaz said speeding like crazy. The toll booth was in front of them but Chaz sped past it, now finally out of the very city he grew up in. It took a while but Chaz finally was able to lose the goons as he drove into some thick woods out in the country. He then parked near an old campsite but was it abandoned. He looked at her hoping that she was ok. "Hey you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

"Yeah i'm fine Chaz. Just  a little shaken up but I am good. You ok?" Hana brushed his concerns off and she hugged him tightly with relief that they were both alive. Chaz hugs Hana back tightly stroking her hair gently. "I'm fine doll. I'm glad your alright. I didn't expect to be on this fucked up journey with a little girl like you. You've grown up a little"

He ruffled up her head to mess around with Hana and in response the girl poked his nose and smirks at him. "Oh really? After I just turned 15 one week ago I feel like I haven't changed at all."

Chaz placed a kiss on her forehead and stroked her cheek. "Your still cute in my eyes babe~ just glad I'm not alone anymore"

Hana was used to Chaz giving her nicknames and teasing her in a loving playful way, he never tried anything dirty on her and he didn't have any intentions of doing anything sexual towards her. She understood him better than anyone and he knew he was glad to have met her.

After an awkward silence, Hana asked a question to break the silence. "So we stay here for the night? You know this place reminds me of our trip to Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch"

Chaz began to unpack some things to have for dinner for the night. But he did listen to Hana rambling which sorta annoyed him but he just puts up with it. He can find it so hard to say no to her.

So during the night, the two set up a dinner at the campsite and they sit together on a wooden log chatting, but Hana was mostly doing the talking.

"Oh this hybrid Imp cowboy. I met him during a family trip to see Mille's family in the Wrath Ring. I think his name was Striker. He had a charming face like you only he was southern style and a show off, he didn't really like my chatty mouth but I was given a ride on his hellhorse called BoomProof, it was so much fun! I enjoyed it. He.. did act a little weird when he nibbled my neck when I was held hostage during after me and dad discovered he was an assassin hired by Stella to kill her husband Stolas because of an affair with Blitzo."

Chaz was a little bored but he was paying attention to her talk. He crossed his arms listening to every word she said. It honestly kinda bothered Chaz hearing what Striker did to her. "Well i hope Millie kicked his ass. Doesn't matter if he seems fun, if someone does stuff like that then they're bad news." Chaz said. He continued to listen to whatever else she wanted to talk about.

But a couple of hours later, the campfire Chaz made was starting to get dim. The fire starts dying down but puts a couple more wood into the fire. But there was an old tent nearby so he checked it out. It was good enough to use for the both of them. "Whenever you're tired. We can go ahead and call it a night. I checked it out. Its clean, big enough for two of us." Chaz told her.

But before he did call it a night, he told her he was going to check out the area. He wanted to make sure they were indeed alone. He gives her one of the guns he had. "Don't use it. Unless you hear me yell your name. If you hear me yell then you can shoot. I'll be back." Chaz said. He then went out further into the woods for a few minutes. It soon got really quiet but luckily he did return after a while. He told her that everything is fine and that they were alone for now.

Hana was glad to have Chaz around because she didn't know that Striker was still out there. He had to get the job done and he doesn't let his target get away from him so easily. Striker's behaviour towards Hana wasn't healthy in fact it was an possession. In his mind, he believed he was better parent than Moxxie as he always see Hana act like a weakling. Though she was annoying when he first met her, he liked that she was polite and kind. She listen and she was respectful. She had this smile that made Striker feel.. warm. He liked her smile and he had a few sexual feelings but he grew to hate Moxxie for being such a pathetic father to Hana. He offered Hana a chance to live a better life if she chose to be with Striker. But she refused calling him a "monster" and she kicked him in the groin area which was hilarious to see. But Striker got her back by breaking her left wrist leaving Hana unable to use her arm for a week. It was painful but she eventually did recover.

But it was a reminder that if she ever crossed paths with Striker again she would face death. Striker warned her if he tries to stop him from his mission he will kill her.

Hana puts the gun in her backpack which she found a week ago with Chaz. She yawns slightly and told Chaz that she was going to bed. Chaz told Hana he will join her in a moment but he makes sure to tuck her in and kisses her cheek Goodnight. "Sweet dreams Hana. Love ya kiddo"

Hana smiles and she closes her eyes till she falls fast asleep in seconds.

Chaz stares up at the moonlit sky sighing deeply. Chaz stood there for almost 5 minutes. He just wanted some peace and quite to clear his head. Plus this was the longest he's ever not had sex. So he was just slowly trying to adjust. He sighed again as he decided it was time to head to bed. But he quickly puts out the fire. After doing this, he crawled inside the tent, seeing her fast asleep. He starts cuddling her as he began to fall fast asleep.

At first he didn't really like sleeping with her but soon he got used to it. He even began to like it as he realized that he couldn't sleep without her now. Throughout the night, Chaz did have a dream about Hana which was in a Romantic way. But it was about her as an adult and they were together. He had a dumb little grin on his face, clearly he was enjoying the dream.

But anyways, the next morning, Chaz was still fast asleep while having his arms around her still. But even had his tail wrapped around her waist as well. The sun was up and shining. There were some demons hiking every once in a while but left the campsite alone.

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