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Hana could only look at Chaz with fear in her eyes as she was dragged away into a separate room where she was tied up with rope and her mouth gagged with duct tape.

With Millie, she finds Blitzo, and after killing two imp-sharks who try to kill her, Blitzo tells Millie what Chaz was up to, but the entire estate is on lockdown.
In the courtyard, the marriage begins with Moxxie forced into a wedding gown with his arms tied up and mouth gagged. Hana was forced to sit down in the front row seat in between two shark demon goons while having to watch this sick forced wedding.

After she got separated from her uncle and parents during the wedding ceremony. She was free from her bounds and she helped Chaz escape, they were forced to swim their way out of the city leaving them with their clothes ripped and soaking wet with disgusting water that smelled like crap. But that didn't matter. Hana held close to Chaz as the shark demon was in a mental state. He was only wearing his short underwear but that didn't matter to him or to Hana. She was just wearing a short bra and underwear so she didn't care either. She was cold as she cuddled up to Chaz giving him comfort because Chaz was crying feeling worthless and alone.

"Kid.. why didn't you go with your parents...? You should have left me there.... We nearly got ourselves killed by those psychos..." Chaz spoke quietly sobbing while he leans against a ally brick wall hugging his knees to his chest.

Hana was hugging him from behind to comfort Chaz and she lets out a sigh. "Because you're my friend.... Friends stick together. I don't care what you did to my parents, in my eyes Crimson is the one that is evil not you. You saved me Chaz and for that I am forever grateful."

Chaz turns around and he notices Hana was cold so he pulls her close to his body hugging her firmly. "I couldn't let Crimson kill you...I just.. I wouldn't live with myself if Mox or Mille were to find out their daughter was dead because I didn't do shit"

Hana was a little shocked to hear this especially this side from Chaz. Her eyes were widen and she felt Chaz tighten his grip on her like he strangely couldn't bring himself to let her go. "C-Chaz....."

Chaz  looked at Hana. "Look, things might get really bad soon. Either Crimson will get wise and realize we're still alive. Or if we'll end up jumped by some bad imps. So i don't think its a good idea for you to be around me. Especially in this city. You think the city you in life in, or even Pentagon City is bad. This place can be even worse. Trust me, me and your dad grew up here." Chaz told her.

Chaz honestly wouldn't mind dating Hana if she was older. But he was one of the rare few who wasn't into children. It was a shock since it was hell so anything goes. But Chaz wasn't one to sexualize kids. "I maybe a lot of things. An asshole, a womanizer, a betrayer, hell i even made a few women and men cheat on their lovers. But I'm not a rapist or a pedo. I'm not that heartless. Well Mox and Millie thinks so. Theyll never forgive me." Chaz sighed deeply

He did want to say sorry to them, even try to be friends with them. But he didn't think it was possible. Plus if anyone finds out that he's alive then Crimson will hunt him down. "I can see us being good friends. Unfortunately if I'm found out. Then Crimson will realize I'm alive. He'll hunt me down. And if he finds you. He'll do something bad. Ask Moxxie. Just... let me take you home. You're not safe with me." Chaz said. He really did want to be around Hana. But now he knew that couldn't happen. Or could it?

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