Side with a Shark

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Hana shook her head and she refused to let him go. She didn't care if he made a mistake or what he did in the past. She started to think of him as her daddy figure and she honestly didn't want to go back. "I'm not going anywhere without you. I need you... you need me. We need each other. Fuck Crimson. Pardon my French, I am just sick of being a little kid. I'm not sure if I can make it out there by myself."

Chaz sighs softly and he rolls his eyes feeling annoyed like he was reminded of being a babysitter to Hana last night. "Are you fuckin... oh shit.. god damnit. I can't leave yea like this. Fine! Alright, you can tag along but don't expect me to babysit you 24/7. I'll take care of you till we find your parents than we are going our separate ways. We clear?"

Hana places a kiss on Chaz's cheek nodding her head smiling warmly. "Ok Chazzy!"

Chaz felt that he was just defeated by a kid which was basically what happened. He sighd again as he looked up at the sky. The moon was already up as thousands of stars was in the sky. "A full moon. You were alive at one point. I heard that you humans had a superstition. About when the moon is full peole act crazy. Well down here, that's not a superstition. Its god damn real. You think us demons is crazy now. Well just you wait." Chaz said. He then stands up to his feet but told Hana to stay put.

Chwz knew very little of earth since he was born in hell. But he does know some demons who were sent to hell. So he knew some things. He went to go peek his head out to see if there were anyone around. There were no one but an abandoned clothing store across the street. He went back to her telling Hana what he found. "Look there's a clothing store that's abandoned. Around here there's gonna be a few abandoned buildings. Lets go." Chaz told her. He would then told her he'll give her a piggyback ride. After a minute, he managed to walk inside the building safely. He sets her down soon after.

"Look around for some clothes. I'll be honest, pick a few outfits out. It'll be a while until we manage to leave this hellhole of a city." Chaz said. He just picked out a simple white t-shirt, blu3 jeans, a cowboy style belt, and a black leather biker jacket. Even a new pair of sunglasses. He then sat down on an old chair near the dressing rooms. "I'll keep watch if you wanna try something on."

Hana didn't hesitate to try on the clothes Chaz picked out for her, she does a few silly poses in a mirror after she finished changing. She slides the curtain open and walks behind Chaz poking his back to grab his attention. "I'm done. Let's go go!" Hana does a seductive pose to tease Chaz which made the shark demon blush lightly but he teases her back. "Oh naughty~" he said in a flirty tone and he laughs when he saw Hana let out a grumpy huff and she stomps her left foot on the floor out of frustration. "Not cool Chaz! Your on the naughty list!"

Chaz chuckled before he took her hand. "Yeah I'm always on the naughty list kid. Your cute when you throw those tantrums" he picks her up bridle style.

Hana crosses her arms and shook her head grunting. "I am not cute"

Chaz wasn't into children but seeing how cute Hana was, plus seeing her do poses. Made him blush but was able to shake it away quickly. As he picked her up bridal style, he starts walking towards the front entrance. He sets her down once they were outside. He lookd around the area trying to figure out where to go. He turned around to look at her but he looked up for a second. He realized that this place had a smal apartment upstairs. "Oh that's lucky." He smirked.

He would then take her hand and lead her back inside. He then went passed the dressing room and saw a door leading upstairs. "Stay here." Chaz told Hana. He kicked the door opened with some new boots he found earlier. He then snuck upstairs to look around the apartment. He looked all over, not missing a part of the place. He searched the entire apartment until he walked back downstairs.

"We're alone. We better spend the night here." Chaz said. He lead her upstairs, the apartment looked decent as he told her there were only one bedroom though. "You take the bed and its king sized so you get all that space. I'll sleep on the couch. You go get some rest." He smiled at Hana giving her a quick hug.

But Hana didn't want to sleep by herself. She immediately grabbed Chaz by his long shark tail refusing to let go. "No! I'm not doing it again. What we did last night was a one time thing kid. I'm not doing it again. Now please go to sleep." He was exhausted and just wanted to sleep but Hana wasn't letting him sleep all alone. "It's best if we stay together. I feel safe when I'm with you Chaz. Please.. pretty please.. with chocolate milk..."

Chaz snorts when he head her say "chocolate milk" he groans in an annoyance feeling so irritated by how this kid can let his guard down. He felt like he was her father which made him uncomfortable. He didn't like being around kids as it made him uneasy. He rather be with someone his age and someone who knows a "good time" he unfortunately doesn't want to do it with a kid because he hated that crap.

"Oh fuck are you fuckin kidding me..? For the love of— oh FINE! Ok ok. I'll stay here with you. Now move over I need room too"

He told her to give him space so he can join her in the bed with her. Hana released his tail and was happy she jumps a bit with excitement before she moves over giving Chaz enough room to lay down.

Chaz sighs deeply and he climbs in bed pulling Hana close to him holding her while he watched her fall asleep. "Heh.. your really something kid.. night Hana." He gently kisses her forehead and soon falls asleep with Hana.

Chaz was always annoyed by childish crap and yet he couldn't deny her. He really cared about her so he couldn't just say no. He watched her go to asleep as he began feeling comfortable. She was just a kid but he still felt different feelings and emotions. He wasn't into her sexually but slowly he could be falling for her romantically. But since Chaz knew that she was only a child. He knew it would be a good idea to just wait until she's older

But anyways, Chaz started feeling tired as his eyelids feels heavy. He sighed in a relaxed way as he began drifting to sleep. After a while, he ended up holding her in his arms as he sleeps. He had a small smile on his face as he was fast asleep. But he wrapped his arms and tail around her gently like he was protecting her.

But eventually it was around 2:40am in the morning as Chaz suddenly woke up. He rubbed his eyes a bit as he heard a noise out of the bedroom. He looked at Hana, and then snuck out in the hall. He very quietly snuck into the kitchen, seeing one of Crimson's goons. The kitchen was a mess, Chaz cursed under his breath. "Fuck... Crimson must've gotten wise or something.. damn." Chaz said to himself. He noticed an aluminum bat near him. So he knew what he had to do. That's when he slammed the bat in the goon's skull over and over. After a few minutes, Chaz tossed the body out the window, cleaned the place up, and himself. He decided to keep the bat just in case as he went back to bed. He cuddles her again as he held her close. "Don't worry.. I'll keep you safe. No matter what happens." He whispered in her ear.

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