Oc Backstory

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Hana was a beautiful young human girl who was adopted by Moxxie and Mille, she was their flower of joy and meant everything to them. Hana was an extremely shy and quiet girl which is a victim of physical abuse by the hands of her mother who worked in prostitution. Hana was a mistake "her mother would say" to her daughter and she blame her for everything that wasn't her fault. Slap her and beat her with a broom stick. Whip her with a belt and force her to give one of her clients a blowjob as punishment for trying to run away.

Hana was a daddy's girl who was loved by her father. Her dad was a cook and gardener who enjoyed being around nature. He named his daughter Hana because it was a beautiful flower which grew in the backyard of the house, they lived in.

A client in Hell hired IMP to murder Hana's mother because the demon client was in hell shortly after he got shoot in the face by Hana's mother when the woman refused to give her extra cash for having a nightstand with her.

Hana's father passed away from heart disease she was trapped in her home with her abusive mother. IMP got the job done without any trouble but Moxxie saw how broken and damaged the poor girl was so he made a decision to take her in, he convinced Mille that it was the right thing to do and if they left the girl here all alone, she would be taken by someone who could do far worse to her. Blitz hated the idea at first but having a soft spot he agreed. Time past, Hana was now 12 years old and was taught how to use a gun. She wasn't good at self defence but she has a good eye when it came to using a gun. She honestly didn't like killing people and was hesitant when it came to killing, she wasn't ready to do assassin work with her adopted parents and uncle so she would stay with Loona mostly chilling or playing video games together.

Hana never felt so happy to be with demons even though she wasn't to be around them. She was a holy girl, so she believed in Jesus Christ. But she felt like this was God giving her a second chance to live a better life.

Hana loved singing and dancing. She did have stage fright, so she didn't like to show off her skills to others only to her family.

Hana was uncomfortable when it came to someone giving her compliments or making threats at her because they bring back her abusive childhood back on Earth.

Hana's mother went to hell after her death, but she got killed by messing with a group of shark demons. She was dismembered which serves her right as she has been punished for being an abusive and terrible mother.

This is Hana (random anime character I found on browser)

This is Hana (random anime character I found on browser)

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