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September 2005, Paris | H E R

Kiara used to do pretend fashion walks.

As itty-bitty kids, her and Tiana dressed up after a theme that sprang to their heads like princess or old hollywood, and go to the local shop to get sweets with the coins they scooped together.

The street was their cat walk.

Now imagine the screams and jumping about like bounce balls when Kiara told her that the reason they are in Paris is for freaking fashion week.

Kiara walks for Jean Paul Gaultier—and some lesser-known names—and Tiana gets to watch her.

Hotel staff knocked on the hotel room door to ask if everything was alright—or in other words—if someone is currently getting murdered. Save to say, their younger selves would be dead by hearing those news.

As it turns out, Tiana has a very hard time restraining herself from not clapping like a maniac when her best friend is crushing the walkway. For Jean Paul Gaultier. Though Tiana is sitting amidst complete strangers, half of them only speaking broken english, she cannot keep the fact to herself that this is her best friend. walking. fashion week.

Apart from questionable and annoyed looks, one older woman offered a smile. Tiana soon finds out that most people are a little bit much stuck up—but, why wouldn't they be? They're making fashion history and she is a witch obsessed with beasts somehow ending up there to support her best friend fulfilling her childhood dream.

Tiana loves fashion, she really does. Simply dressing and expressing herself for this event has been a lot of fun, but it is in no way comparable to runway fashion. At least not what she has seen so far. Only one piece from Gaultier spoke to her. One of thirty-five or something.

In all honesty, the whole fashion industry is something she doesn't fully get, no matter Kiara's countless attempts of explaining, but that is fine. To each their own and Tiana has a great time either way.

Leaving the Grand Palais after the show, since Kiara is gone until late in the night networking and such, Tiana makes her way to the Seine. It is very atmospheric to take a walk and breathe some of that night air.

In between Kie's big moments of strutting her way through the fashion industry, Tiana is full on touristing the city. She takes the opportunity and explores what makes Paris so wonderful and after a day, she already loved it. A trip worth repeating, that's for sure.

Walking through Paris alone, but Gros-Caillou specifically made her really appreciate architecture for the first time. Museums and gardens and everything else iconic take up most of her days with restaurant breaks inbetween—all done alone, of course, which is no news with Kie being busy working.

She apologized for being so occupied, but Tiana gave her a kiss on the cheek, a slap on that cute butt and told her not to worry.

Now, Tiana wouldn't say she knows her way around by any means, but she did find a good coffee place, small and quaint, not far from the hotel she and Kie stay in. There's a regular each morning who smiles at her—and c'mon, who wouldn't like to be smiled at by a handsome french guy?

She blocks out thoughts of how it would be if he were by her side, holding her hand and bantering over the stupid coffee. He isn't here, he won't be, and she has to finally accept it.

That is how it's going to be from now on, and she has to admit, being alone and far away does a good job.

When the sun is out, that is.

She made a vow to herself—on days she enjoys the city, later at night she can cry herself to sleep. She recommends, has been working well so far.

Sitting on a bench, Tiana listens to the ripples of the river. The image of Kiara walking plays in her head over and over. She has seen her in photo and video shoots but not as a runway mode. Hot damn—knowing where Kie comes from, this is like a proud big sister moment, which is totally the case, because Tiana is older by like five months.

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