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February 2005 | H I M


Draco shouldn't be surprised to run into Tess right out the entrance at their building—the very place they both live in. Come to think of it, it never happened before, really.

And he sure as hell shouldn't be surprised that she looks put together. Her hair is open and windblown, her skin looks alive and cheeks are rosy from the cold. The earrings he has gifted her dangle from her ears and he just knows under that coat lies a perfectly coordinated outfit. But more importantly, her eyes have the life back in them that he knows so well.

She looks beautiful.

Nothing about her appearance could tell you the shit week she just had except...

He steps closer, eyes narrowed in concern. "Oh no, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

Instinctually, he's reaching out to cup her cheek, his thumb smoothing over the sensitive skin under her eyes. "Your eyes are red, darling. Have you been crying?"

"Oh, yeah." She wipes it off as nothing and nods in direction to the big door so they go inside. "I had my first session with my therapist just now."

He wouldn't have thought for a person so positive to be needing professional help, which probably explains the extend of her situation.

He's watching her press the button to call for the elevator. "And how was it?"

Is crying good when you're having a 'session'?

"It was great." So apparently, yes. "I've known Dr. Sweeney back from when my mother died and I would have gone earlier to deal with my... stuff," her hands are cozy in the pockets of her coat when they enter the lift. "But I was busy with the whole thing."

The whole thing being taking care of her father. That's what she's been doing and ever since he found out, he feels even more like a dick for the fight he initiated now almost a month ago.

"What do you talk about with them? Like in general."

"All kinds of stuff." Her side glance is accompanied by a small smile. "We had a little chat about you today, actually."

He almost chokes on his own spit. "About me?"


His skin is prickling, all of a sudden. "And what did you talk about?"

"Not gonna say." That smile has turned full-on cheeky when she waves a dismissive hand. "Confidentiality and stuff."

"Just tell me..." he covers his mouth with his hand, "is it bad stuff?"

They talked about her and she cried. That can't be good, right? Right?!

"No, why would that be your first thought?" She eyes him suspiciously. "Want me to hook you up with one too? There are several in the office I go to and I sense some unresolved things lingering in that dark," she taps his head gently and he melts away. Am I a puddle yet? "pretty mind of yours."

"So what you're saying is, I'm broken," he deadpans.

"No, stupid." She rolls her eyes with another smile and he's glad to see them again so frequently. "I'm just saying it could be good just in general. Healthy and all. Talk to someone else."

Now it's his time to roll his eyes.

"I mean, I'm basically your best friend and you don't tell me everything."

He snorts. "You're not my best friend."

"Keep telling that yourself," she says, self-assured, her chin lifted slightly as she steps out on her level.

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