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October 2004 | H E R

Tiana knocks on the open door to Draco's office, walking in as if she owns the place. "I came to bring the files you requested."

His head shoots up from whatever he is reading at the sound of her voice. He leans back in his big office chair, his smirk drawing on without hesitation as he quickly eyes her up and down in her pantsuit.


"Yes," she looks behind herself, files in hand. "You do see me standing here, don't you?"

"I just—you could have easily let one of your lackeys do that for you," he shrugs curiously.

One brow lifts, challenging. "Are you disappointed to see me?"

His arrogant smirk appears as a paid actor. "That's not what I'm saying."

"It's safer this way," she shrugs it off. "I take good care of my files and you should too, by the way."

She lays them ontop of his material, carefully so.

"You came because you wanted to see me," he states confidently and she would love to smack that smug look off his face. The pen is being twirled between his fingers, elbows resting on the armrest. The rings almost have to power to take her breath away. "Is it because I didn't get you a coffee this morning?"

Yes. Kind of.

It put her off that whatever kind of routine they had for a week now was interrupted. No walk with Malfoy to work this morning. Only a week and she began to count on it already. How old is she? Twelve?

Whatever kind of trap he layed, Tiana fell right into it.

"You're so fucking full of yourself," Tiana chuckles, crossing her arms. "Do you have to vomit it out every morning so you won't explode at any given moment?"

"Not every morning—just every other," he plays into her sarcasm. "I'm here since dawn, working on this case. That's why I couldn't buy your disgusting coffee."

"It's not your responsibility to get me a coffee. Or to explain yourself," she states, letting her eyes his office.

It's nice, has everything an office needs, obviously. A little smaller than hers. Less photos or personal stuff in general.

Now she wonders how he lives.

"I know," he gets up from the chair, rounding the desk and half-sit on it right in front of her. "I just didn't want you to think I forgot about you."

His sleeves are rolled up the perfect amount, the expensive watch adding a nice touch. He looks good in grey pants.

"I have no worries with that when it comes to you," she sits down on one of the armchairs infront of the desk, crossing one leg over the other. "You're a procrastinator?"

She refers to the files he requested from her, including the report she wrote for the dragon case from a week ago. The day they first met. He has to write a report as well, being head of the mission and all.

"No, I was just busy. The deadline's tonight, so I'll be fine," he shrugs his shoulders, hands gripping the edge of the desk.

Then Tiana hears a knock behind her at the door. A lady, bit younger than both Draco and Tiana, walks in with a coffee accompanied by a coy smile.

Tiana recognizes her working at the front desk for this department. She has just walked by her to get to this office.

And when she places the steaming cup on his desk, acting all timid and bashful, yet searching for Draco's eyes the whole time, Tiana can immediatly tell.

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