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New Year's | H E R

Tiana closes the door of her fathers bedroom behind herself before plucking the ringing phone from her pocket of her cardigan.

She picks up without looking who it is.




"You didn't forget about me already, darling, did you?" His tone is light with teasing.

It's only been a week, but that silvery deep voice is something she might never forget. Merlin, she has missed it. "No, I...uh—hey."

"Hey." He sounds like he's smiling. "I've got a phone now."

He does?

"You do?" She shakes off the unwarranted perplexity and leans on the hallway wall with her shoulderblades. "Wait—how did you get my number?"

"I have my ways," is his unhelpful response, which sounds very much like him. "Anyway, I called to uhm... Happy New Year, I guess."

The thought of him arranging to be able to call her not even a minute after the clock striked midnight to wish her a happy new year makes her smile endlessly. Stupidly. She's glad he isn't able to see her.

"Happy new year, dimwit," she says. Just like the noise coming from downstairs, it sounds like he has a lot going on on his end of the call. "What are you doing? Where are you? It's so loud."

A firecracker goes off, so she assumes he must be outside. Or by a window.

"Theo dragged me out to some bar, I don't know." He is most possibly shrugging. "It's stupid."

"Why?" Her brows pull together in concern. "You're not having fun?"

"I spent most of the night shaking women off me," he complains, the ever poor boy.

"Oh, alright."

"No," he chuckles. "I don't mean to brag or make you jealous."

"I'm not jealous." Yes, I am.

"Sure you are, darling," there's teasing in his voice, but he doesn't dwell on it. "Anyway—it's fucking annoying. And I would—oh shit—"

"What?" She straighens up at the sound of his footsteps and cursing. "What happened?"

"Theo just came out of nowhere vomiting in the bushes," he enlightens and the hurling sound is clearer now, as if he's standing beside his friend. "Poor boy."

"Oh no," Tiana rubs the side of her neck, where it meets with her shoulder. "Sounds awful."

"You haven't even got a look of it," he says, distracted. "You alright mate?

Theo's unintelligible response is cut off by more disgusting vomiting sounds.

"Did you know Abadi was here too?" Draco speaks to her again, the teasing tone not directed at her this time.

Tiana thinks for a moment. "She said something about going out, but I didn't know it was with you guys."

"I didn't know either." He sounds mad cheery. "I think Nott has a thing for her."

Duh. "Obviously, she's hot."

"No, I mean deeper than that," he ventures. "I've seen the looks he's send her. Where his hand was all night, and not somewhere inappropriate, like shoulder and stuff."

"Oh, is that so?" She muses.

"No, I don't," Theo's response is weak through his dry-heaves.

"Even if, he shouldn't get his hopes up," Tiana advises for the man's sake. "Arwa is under no circumstance the relationship type."

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