Robyn takes a seat at the middle of the table.

Jacques: (chuckling) Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight.

Ironwood: What is she doing here?

Jacques: What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our Kingdom, which means we have much to discuss.

Ironwood: Indeed. I was hoping we could start by--

Jacques: Are we safe with her here, by the way?

Jacques looks over at Penny, who looks upset by his comment.

Jacques: I do recall some confusion regarding her involvement with that horrific massacre.

Ironwood: (defensively) As the official report stated, that footage was doctored. Penny is completely under my control.

Jacques: Which is concerning, I think.

Penny grows even more upset, tensing up her shoulders and looking down.

Ironwood: Concerning?

A waiter and a waitress enter the room, carrying trays with plates of food.

Jacques: Let's talk about exactly what it is you control.

In the foyer, Ruby and friends watch from across the room as Whitley continues to talk to Weiss in front of the staircase.

Yang: Why won't this kid buzz off?

Blake: We need to do something.

Jaune thinks, while Lie Ren stares ahead in boredom and Nora Valkyrie bounces in place, grasping a tray with a maniacal look on her face.

Jaune: What was that earlier about breaking things?

Jaune looks at Nora and Ren with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, and Ren looks at him while Nora continues bouncing. A short while later, Nora walks around the foyer, piling all of the wait staff's hors d'oeuvres onto her tray. As she does so, Ren walks around holding a plate with a single hors d'oeuvres, smiling to himself, and Jaune sneaks around to get into position.

Weiss: Well, Whitley, I'm sure the company is lucky to have you, but if you'll pardon me--

Weiss tries to walk past Whitley, but he side-steps to continue standing in her way. While this happens, Jaune hides behind one of the columns holding up the upper floor walkway and looks around.

Whitley: And where exactly is it that you're going?

Nora walks across the foyer, swaying and turning as she goes. Her tray has a tower of hors d'oeuvres topped with a bowl of stew. Jaune gives Nora an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Nora: Careful, messy food comin' through!

Whitley: Of course once I'm old enough to drive, the company has promised me my own parking space.

One of the butlers approaches a female guest and offers his tray of wine glasses.

Butler: Care for a drink?

Female Dinner Guest: Don't mind if I do!

Nora and Ren pass each other behind Weiss, intentionally bumping shoulders with one another as they do so. With a grin, Nora begins spinning around dramatically.

Nora: Oh no, look out!

Female Dinner Guest: I'm going to go get some hors d'oeuvres.

The female guest turns and begins walking in the direction of Whitley and Weiss right as Nora throws her tray into the air and falls backward. The food flies through the air, the stew already starting to spill from its bowl. Ren smiles, and Jaune celebrates prematurely.

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now