Chapter 19: Obstinacy

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Author's POV

It's been a few weeks since Vegas confessed to Pete. He's been lingering around Pete ever since, but Pete hasn't responded to him. He hopes Pete will give in to him one day.

Vegas has also been sick for the last few days, with high fever and constant vomiting. One day when he went to visit his mother at the hospital, he saw Pete was there beside his mother's bed. He was checking Siena's condition since he works in the same hospital.

"Your blood pressure is low, you should stress less ma'am," Pete said with a blank face. Siena actually found out what happened with Vegas and Pete during her nephew's wedding through Macau, who was also excited about it. When Pete entered Siena's room to check her health, both mother and the younger son started convincing him on giving Vegas a chance since they have already mated now.

"Son, my Vegas is a very caring alpha, unlike his father," Siena said with a sad face.

"Yes Phi Pete! Phi Vegas really likes you, I have seen it in his eyes. He genuinely cares about you," Macau added.

"Macau, ma'am please, this is my workplace. It's will be better if we drop this topic," Pete requested.

Siena and Macau looked at each other with a sad face and nodded at Pete.

No one was talking in the room so it got awkward for everyone. An awkward silence.

Soon after, Vegas opened the door of the room. He became the centre of attention for a second. Pete quickly looked away and started packing his equipments. He's been ignoring Vegas for the past few weeks. For some reason, he's been having a strange feeling whenever he sees Vegas or gets close to him. His heart starts to accelerate like crazy, so he wants to avoid it as much as possible. He still thinks it's happening because of the fact that they are mates now. Although part of it is due to that reason, Pete did experienced similar feelings  towards Vegas when they weren't even mates.

"Ah... I'll leave now, please ma'am take care of your health and don't stress much," Pete left the room, passing by Vegas. His heart almost jumped out of his chest as he got near Vegas.

Pete was going around the hospital, learning about some patient's condition as the senior doctor (s) guids him and some other students around different wards.

After few hours, they were told to go home and revise each patient's report. Pete was ready to go home as he went to the staff room to collect his things. While on the way to the staff room, he went to the toilet to wash his hands and face.

When he entered the toilet, he saw someone vomiting in the sink.

"Excuse me," He called.

The man turned around. Pete's heart rate increased rapidly at the sight.



"What's wrong? Are you okay,"  Vegas was looking not well. His face was pale and there was sweat everywhere on his face. Pete slowly approached Vegas.

"I am fine," He said.

"You don't look like it,"

"I said I am fine leave me alone, and why do you care anyway? Remember you have already rejected me?" Pete was silenced with the sudden response from Vegas. It was true. Why does he care about him? 

"Huuk," Vegas vomited again.

Pete didn't care anymore and got closer to Vegas.
"I am a doctor, and it's my duty to help those who are sick. You are not exception,"

"As I thought... I am just a random person for you," Vegas scoffed. Pete's heart was still accelerating like crazy.

"Let me help you," Pete took Vegas' arm and wrapped it around his shoulder. He held Vegas' waist and helped him to walk.

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