Chapter 12

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The train slowly comes to a stop. I look up from my phone just to realize that I'm the only one awake.. A 3-hour train ride really can knock some people out cold. I look over to see Yukio and Suguro's laying their heads upon my shoulders and Kuro was asleep in my lap as Shima, Konekomaru, And Shiemi all Leaning on Izumo's who was also asleep. I sigh and slowly shake Yukio, waking him up. "H-huh..?" He said as he slowly got off my shoulder. "Can you go wake up Izumo and the rest? I got Suguro and Kuro." I said in a whisper. Yukio nodded and went to wake them up.

Everyone looks around the train station taking in the sights and smells. Yukio turns to us gains a serious facial expression. "Where going to the Myō Dha headquarters then pursue the temple within the first by noon." Everyone nodded except for Shima. "WERE GOING HOME!?" Ryuji karate chops Shimas head. "SHUT UP WILL YA KNUCKLE HEAD!!" Suguro yelled. "Bon calm down..!" Konekomaru demanded. Yukio sighs. "Lets get going all of you." Yukio shouted in a steady voice. He walked down the road as Shiemi and Izumo followed.
Bon sighs and walks Konekomaru down to catch up with them. Shima slowly gets up. "You okay..?" I ask politely. "Im fine don't worry about-" I sigh snd walk with Shima to catch up with the rest.

We walk into the headquarters, a sweet lady emerges from behind a door. "Hello everyone..! How are you al- RYUJIIIIIIII WHY DID YOU DIE YOUR HAIR!? HUH!? WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THE IDEA TO PIERCE YOUR EARS!?" The lady yells. I flinch along with Yukio and Shiemi at the sudden burst of rage. Suguro stares at the woman terrified. "Ma! Chill out will ya- OW-!" Suguros mother grabs his ear. "You need to wash that damn dye out right now mister! You look like a dammed rooster!!" She yelled again before letting go and becoming a sweet lady again. "Sorry for my yelling. Please cone in! Have you eaten yet?" She asked as we all walk in. Yukio rubs his neck. "No we cant trouble you any more, ur letting us stay for free! You have done enough." She laughs "The whole inn hasn't even had food yet! Its only fair you all eat with us!" "Can we atleast-" "I WANNA HELP COOK!!" I yell. I resist the urge to let my tail wag. Yukio seemed highly offended that I interrupted him, but miss Suguro smiles. "I'd love your help dear..! If only SOMEONE were as helpful!" She spat glaring at Bon. Whos still trying to recover from the pain in his ear. She regained her calm and welcoming expression and showed me the way to the kitchen through the door she had just came in from to greet us.

<^> 3rd Person POV <^>

Everyone talks and eats, clearly enjoying the cooking and complementing Rin and Miss Suguro. The students talk with relative's or talk to each other. Yukio and Rin are sitting at the end of the table together.
Rin turns to look at Yukio. "Yukio.. I haven't used the flames since the last time i trained there.. what will happen.." Rin complained, scared to hurt anyone or for his newfound friends to hate him. "Yukio use it sparingly, dont use it someone else can see you. Use ur other abilities to defeat any demons." Rin nods and stares down at his Sushi and Takoyaki.

Keep it inside don't let it show.

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