Chapter 4

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Yukio points to the board. "Suguro, Answer this please" Yukios harsh voice breaking the silence. His straight posture making everyone stare in amazement. He has been nothing but stern ever since he became a teacher. He loves his job yes but it can be stressful. Yukio stares down at his student with the two-toned hair. Suguro takes a second before mumbling "a hobgoblin.." Yukio nods. "Indeed, now Shim-" "Mr. Okumura..!" Mr.Tsubaki slams the door open and makes a loud thud. The whole class jumps in surprise. Yukios anger was shown by a single, stressed vein on his neck through his proud smile overshadowed it.. "Yes? Mr. Tsu-" "A intruder was caught on campus..!" "And you detained them, Correct?" Yukio seemed very unpleased with Mr.Tsubaki's nonsense. "Yes but.. the person wants to see you.." Yukios eyebrows furrow as he stares at Mr.Tsubaki, the class seemingly shocked by the announcement. "Why me?" Yukio crosses his arms and waits for his colleagues reply. "It refuses to talk till it sees you, we've tried it to get it to answer whether it is a demon or not ..But no luck..!" Mr. Tsubaki stared at Yukio pleadingly. Yukio gives in and has his class tag along so he can keep an eye on them.

The class follow silently as Yukio walks to the demon chambers walking in to the monitored cell.
Loud clanging of chains echo through the hall as the group walk closer to a guard in the purple uniform. The students are noticably nervous. Yukio rounds the corner to see a scared and beaten Rin with an eye patch and raggedy grudge style clothes. Yukios blood instantly runs cold as the class looks at the chained boy. Rin notices and struggles in his cuffs. "Yukio!" He quickly stands up, almost tripping on the chains. "I knew you were here! I knew i wasnt craz-" "NO!" Rin freezes and stares at his brother. No..? What does he mean by no.. Rin thinks as he watches his brother. "Your not him! YOUR NOT RIN!!" He punches the ceil bars. Rin flinches and stares at him, shaking. The class slowly backs away from Yukio, they clearly have never seen him this angry before. "N-no Yukio Its me-" "RIN KILLED HIMSELF YEARS AGO! STOP TOYING WITH ME YOU DEMON!!" The class stares at both them confused yet scared. "I swear its me Yukio... I swear on everything bro.." Yukio glares at him and balls up his fists, tears forming in his eyes. "Then tell me..! Prove to me its you, what was our fathers name!!" Rin slowly looks down at the floor. Yukios head drops, knowing it wasn't his brother. Yukio turns to walk out but instead pauses, laughing. Rin was laughing.. Everyone seemed shocked. "Thats easy Yukio, Fujimoto.. How could i forget the old farts name.." Rin smiles and stares at his younger twin. Yukio stood there in shock. It really is him.. Yukio runs to the ceil bars and clings to them. "It is you..!" They both smile as they both smile through tears.

..••°°after they moved Rin°°••..

"The who the hell is he sensei.." Suguro asked seemingly on alert as Yukio stares at his brother through the tinted glass. "My older twin brother, Rin Okumura." Everyone stares at their Sensei. "H-he is human.. right..??" The bald boy asks, hiding behind the taller one with pink hair. Yukio crosses his arms stareing at his students. "Although Rin might seem like a demon, He is as human as they get.." Yukio felt bad for lieing to his students but it was the only way to keep Rin safe from anything else hurting him.. The class fall silent as a guard walks up to Yukio. "Mr Okumura he's ready for integration." Yukio nods and then turns back to his class. "We'll talk more later."
The class departs back to thier classroom as Yukio walks into the confined room with the navy haired boy.

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