Chapter 6

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I sit in the back of the class watching my brother teach.. Hyper aware of everything.. Two students in the left front seat, one in the middle front seat, one in the front right seat and another Student in the desk behind them..

While yukio is standing by the board, talking about a certain demon.. About how they eat some kind of emotion.. I can feel my tail tightening around my torso.. something isnt right.. I can feel a aura.. A demonic one.. I lay my head down and close my eyes, letting my senses spread across the school.. My senses pick up on a human and some kinda demon at the roof.

I quickly get up and and grab my satchel, throwing it over my head and sprinting out the room then up the stairs. A distant "Rin!!" could be heard behind me. I sprint up to the roof and slam the door open. To be greeted to the sight of one of Yukios students being held by his hair as the demon stares at him. "Oi! Get away from him!!" The demon quickly looks at me as i get into a fighting stance. The student trys to look at me through squinted eyes, the pain in his head was noticable on his expression. The demon then growled, turning my attention back on it. "You reek of human scent." I let out a low sigh in response. "Well, I'm as human as we get." I said with a smirk playing at my lips.

The demon quickly dropped the student and advanced towards me. I quickly grabbed the sword bag on my back and got ready before hitting the demon over its head not even bothering to release the sword of its confinement. The thought of me taking the sword out and using the flames to defeat a low tier demon with a student and possibly more isn't smart. I don't want them figuring out what i am either way. I re-realize where i am and where my opponent is and quickly dodge his sneak attack. This damn ghoul is different then the others in Gehenna.. This one has someone ordering it. I quickly dodge another attack and quickly drag the students limp body to the stairs and shut the door behind me tightly, making sure it locked. I quickly attempt to throw the student over my shoulder so i can carry him easier i quickly go down the staircase and set the student on the floor, leaning him on the nearby wall. I hear a loud crash and i yell Yukio's name for help. Luckily another teacher runs out just as the Ghoul comes down the stairs. I quickly drag the student behind the protection of the teacher. Yukio runs back from down the hall and kneels down to the student, treating his wounds as the other teacher shoots the ghoul multiple times. "What the hell happened!?" Yukio asks as he bandages and treats the burns on the rooster looking boys body. "That damn ghoul has a master.. although i have no idea why it attacked him of all people.."
I said as i look back at the ghoul. The ghoul instantly makes eye contact with me and quickly runs towards me. Shit!! I quickly run down the opposite hall as it follows.

I quickly hide in a storage room. Letting my breath catch up with me. I can hear the ghoul bashing lockers open and slamming heavy doors to the wall. It goes quiet until i hear a loud bash. Its in the the same room as me.. i hold my breath feeling my heart pump faster and faster by the second. I can hear it rummaging through the lockers im hiding next to and stepping on boxes that were on the floor. I let my breath slip and i feel a hard shooting pain in my left eye. The pain courses through my whole body making me instantly scream the loudest i could. The demon ran its claws across my already injured eye. The ghoul makes a creepy laugh as i quickly slip away from it, pulling my sword out and letting my flames appear. "I knew u were one of us" the ghoul chuckles. I tear up and hold my sword in a attack position. I quickly slash its neck and torso. "I'm nothing like you." I let my sword slip back into its casing as i fall to the ground holding my horrific sight of an eye, holding tears back. I slowly walk out the storage room.

I walk down the hall again, holding my left eye as it bleeds across my face. I could feel the blood drip down my face, off my chin, hitting my white uniform shirt and seeping thought the fabric and onto my chest. My legs start to grow weak and i feel myself collapse onto the dimly colored floor. "Fuck!" I yell in destress and pain. I hear a loud female voice with a softer male voice scream in unison. "Mister Okumura!"

The pain is killing me..

I don't wanna relive that part of my life..

Not again..

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