Chapter 7

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"You fucking mistake!!" Satan yells as he raises his arm, letting his sharp nails be noticed. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to!!" A younger looking Rin screams to his father is pure fear. "I didn't know it would hurt him! H-he was-" "Shut up you damn brat!!!" Satan yelled as his arm lunges towards Rins face. Before Rin can react in any way a ear piercing scream is heard escaping His mouth.

Lucifer quickly sits up and looks around, the lights turning on, brightening the room. "What was that, that came from Iblis's room..!" He said as he gets out of bed and throws his white and yellow robe over his unclothed body. He runs down the hall slamming Iblis's door open, the fire lanterns in the room spring to life, awakening Iblis. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FOR!?" She yells, covering her mostly unclothed skin. "That wasn't you!? I thought you were screaming!!" "Ofcourse not why would i be screaming you numbskull-" They both fall silent as an another pain filled scream is heard from the throne room, just down the hall. Lucifer books it down the hall towards the noise as Iblis jumps up and pulls on some denim shorts, and a black jacket. Bolting after Lucifer in a panic.

Satan had clawed Rins left eye. Making it bleed a crimson red. Rin fell to the floor screaming in pure pain. Satan scoffed, "Weak boy. Just like your brother." Lucifer and Iblis run in, panicked by the sudden loud screaming. Lucifer runs to Rin's side caressing him in his arms, as Iblis runs up to Satan and yells at him. "Shhh.. Rin its gonna be okay.. Your safe.." Lucifer said, hugging his half siblings head. Rin's sobs only became louder.

It hurts..

"RIN" Yukio yells pulling his brother out of his own mind and thoughts. He was leaned against the wall of the hall, three students and Yukio staring at him and trying to shaking till he was conscious. "M-my eye.. it hurts.." Rin muttered as the room slowly stops spinning. "Wheres that ghoul.." Yukio says looking at his students. "I killed it.. i think.." I look down at my hands, seeing they were bandaged with a green and clear substance on my palms. My hands were clearly shaking like hell.. The blonde girl looks at Yukio. "W-will he be okay..??" She said clearly worried as hell. Why be so worried about me.. You should worry about.. "Oi! Yukio! Is that kid ok!?" "Suguro? He's doing fine hes more worry about you thrn he is himself.." But why.. its not like I'm a big deal to the kid.. why be worried about someone you barely talked to.. "Alright we should get ya to the infirmary so you can get proper treatment." Yukio says with a worried face. He gets up and picks me up as i squeak in surprise. I knew he was a strong kid but i didn't know he could pick me up!

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