Chapter 2

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-Rin Pov-
I slowly step in the poorly lit room with multiple bones, jars, scrap metal, and bubbling brews. The mages test room. I look around easily finding the mirror from earlier that day and walk over to it. I stare at my reflection for a minute, admiring my grudge outfit and smile before quickly shaking my head, putting my mind back on track. I take a small knife out of my bag and stab the mirror, shards flying everywhere and causing a loud crash, scaring my hands, arms, and face. Shit..! I curse myself mentally as I quickly grab the biggest piece of the mirror off the floor and run out the room. I knew from that loud crash, I alerted at least someone. I pull my satchel and sword bag, close to my chest. My wings twitching with the feeling of being watched. I walk to Satans throne room and look around. Finding the large stained glass window Satan had made by his servants 3 years ago. It was a poorly done picture of me and Satan reuniting once again. I smirk and think for a second before hearing loud footsteps running my way. Guards. I quickly grit my teeth and I throw myself out the window, holding my stuff close to my chest and using my wings as a cover from the flying glass. Before i could touch the ground, my wings quickly stop my fall by taking me into the sky over Gehenna. I'm free bitch..! I mentally celebrate.

I walk down the nearly empty streets looking for a sign of the Gehenna gates. I can feel my fingers subconsciously rubbing my waist through the holes in my shirt. I wish this damn shard of glass would show me the way.. I sigh, knowing my wish would never work. I look around trying to find a sign. Suddenly the the shard starts to make a glowing arrow pointing to my left. I turn to see a dark ally way. God I'm gonna get fucking raped or some shit down there.. I sigh and give in, lazily run into the ally, taking a few turns past druggies, asleep homeless people, trash, and blood splatters.. All by being lead by this damn shard of glass.. After about three more turns i see a small door with eyes and guts lining it like a door frame. I gag subconsciously and hit myself in the head mentally. Why do I have to take the gate of all things. I quickly run straight into it, holding my breath. I then hug my satchel, mirror shard, and sword bag close as i let the gate take me back to Assiah. I smile. Yukio.. I'm coming.. back..
Then everything went black...

✦ I saw my true story ✦Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon