Game of survival II 1:13

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Bellamy and I were by the gates stacking anything we could find to create an extra barrier of protection if the grounders made it through

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Bellamy and I were by the gates stacking anything we could find to create an extra barrier of protection if the grounders made it through.

"Here." I pass him a large wooden box. We both freeze as soon as we hear it. War drums. Let the games begin... "They're here."

"Come on." Bellamy pulls me with him.

"Bellamy no, what are you doing? I gotta go to a different post. Someone needs to keep watch on the other side."

"Katerina Kane I'm only gonna say this once because we don't have time to argue, I am not, NOT,  going to let you out of my sight, consequences be damned. So for once please don't fight me on this, because you will. not. win." He says sternly but I could see the love in his eyes. The same love reflected in mine.

"I love you." I couldn't help it. The words just fell out of my mouth. But if we were gonna die tonight might as well die with no regrets.

His eyes softened as he pulled me in and kissed me so softly I felt like I was made of glass. A delicate flower held between his arms.

"You've got one hell of a timing Kane." He says sarcastically as he pulls away from the kiss.

"I always had a flare for the dramatic." Bellamy let out a laugh as we walked to our post.

"Where's Octavia?" He asks as he quickly looks around and doesn't see her.

"She left 5 minutes ago. Didn't say where to. She thinks she's a damn samurai." Miller says.

"She's my little samurai." I say pulling out my gun, making Bell roll his eyes.

"You see anything?"

"No" I answer Bellamy.

"What the hell are they waiting for?" Monroe asks loudly getting more nervous as time passes.

"The longer they wait, the better." I remind her. "This is about buying time for Raven."

"I see them. They're moving!" Sterling says through the radio. We look through our scopes but see nothing. "I count two, 3, no, wait, there's more. I- I don't know, man. There's too many of them." Just as he finished talking guns started to go off in the other side of the camp.

"Who was that?" Bellamy asks.

"Sterling, I think. South foxhole." I answer.

"South foxhole, report now." More guns went off before Sterling's voice came through the radio again.

"Yeah, yeah. We're ok. They didn't attack. It's like... it's like shooting at ghosts." Bellamy and I share a confused glance trying to figure out their game plan.

"There! I see them!" A girl next to us says as she starts shootings. I look at them and see the grounder running parallel to us without attacking or moving forward. There toying with us.

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