Get. Out. ||1:6

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A while into the walk, he let go of Octavia, seeing as she could barely even walk. He wasn't scared she might try to run away. On the other hand, he had to tie my legs together with some rope he just so happened to carry with him. How convenient. He was, as of currently, carrying me over his shoulder like a tied-up lamb. Every now and then he let out a grunt at one of my hits on his back.

"Uhg. My leg. I need to rest." I raised my head so I could look at Octavia, who stopped walking, resting her weight against a tree.

The grounder turned around at the sound of her voice and saw her panting against the tree. Sighing, he walked towards her rather annoyed. It's his own fault that he has to deal with both of us. He could've just let us go, but nooo.

Once he was in front of Octavia, he picked her up in a much gentler way than he had done with me. Carrying her over his shoulder just like me. The man must be exhausted. I'm not saying that Octavia and I are necessarily heavy, but carrying the both of us for miles would take a toll on anyone.

"Hi there, cutie." I look to my right to see Octavia's face hanging beside mine.

"You look hot upside down. Or maybe the blood rushing to my head is messing up my eyesight." I laugh as we continue getting lugged around by the grounder who must be sick and tired of Octavia and I's incessant chatter.

"Thank you, by the way." Octavia said, using her upper body strength to straighten herself up in his grip and be able to look at his face instead of his ass. I would've done that too a long time ago if my back wasn't all fucked up at the moment.

"You saved my life. And you saved my friend too." The grounder ignored her as he kept walking, not even glancing her way. "T-That girl back there, I knew her, so, if she's here, then so is my brother. Please, you have to help him, too. They'll kill him... You don't understand me, do you? Great."

"I bet he can and he's just ignoring us." I say loud enough for Octavia to hear.

"I don't think so. He doesn't seem like the lying type, you know?" Octavia inspects his face as she concludes her analysis.

"Look I'll prove it to you. Don't say a word if you can understand English." The grounder remained silent. "Ha! See he stayed quiet!"

"Wha- that logic is very much flawed." Octavia scoffs out a laugh. We are getting way too comfortable even though we're currently getting kidnapped. I guess that's what happens when you get kidnapped with your best friend. Plus I dont think this grounder means us any harm.

Once we arrived at the entrance of the cave he put Octavia down. And placed me carefully onto the ground as well, mindfull not to place me on my back. I stayed put, I mean it's not like I could run even if I tried.

The grounder opened the hatch to his house cave-thing and carried Octavia inside first. Leaving me sitting wordlessly out in the open. As soon as he was out of eyesight I began trying to un-due the rope around my leg. Was this man a boy scout or something? I kept tugging on the rope when finally I was able to release it. When I went to stand up and run I felt a hand grab my leg and jerk me back down, so I fell face front. I groaned as my chest hit the dirt-covered floor. In seconds, the grounder had flipped me around but held me up just enough so that my back wouldn't hit the floor. He glared at me like a father chiding his daughter, and all I could come up with was a mere "Sorry." as the grounder grunted and once again threw me over his shoulders. He was so over our bullshit at this point. I could tell.

Once inside the cave, I could hear Octavia crying, making me freak out and start to struggle against the grounder's hold, trying to get him to let go of me. He had to stop walking for a second to re-adjust his hold on me due to my struggling but continued undeterred.

Game of Survival || book 1Where stories live. Discover now