A sigh escaped the girl's mouth and she lifted her hand, pushing some of her dark strands behind one of her ears while closing her eyes. Lowering her hand once more, she tightly held her arms around what appeared to be a guitar case, and she slowly opened her eyes, staring at the ground.

Sano Y/n


A ringing was heard and she looked at her phone to see an incoming call.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, N/n. Are you busy at the moment?"

"Hmmm...No, why?"

"Could you please pick up some eggs from the store? We need them for dinner and there's no more."

"Sure. I was just about to start heading home, so I'll get them on the way."

"Thank you! See you at home."

And with that, the phone call ended.

Sighing, the girl stood from the swing, slightly crouching to take her school bag and swinging the straps onto her shoulders before walking over to the sidewalk. She absentmindedly hummed a tune to pass the time and she eventually found herself at the store, walking down an aisle while scanning the shelves. When she found the eggs, she grabbed a carton and decided to buy herself a popsicle for the trip home.

When she turned to approach the cash register, she bumped into someone, causing her to slightly flinch. She turned her head and there stood a boy with blonde, gelled-up hair, wearing a white collared shirt and black tobi trousers.

"Ah, sorry..." She said, slightly bowing in an apologetic manner.

The boy simply clicked his tongue and walked past her, bumping shoulders with her in a slightly rough manner.

Y/n was taken aback by his behavior and sent him a weird glance before shrugging and making her way to the counter.

"Guess someone's in a bad mood..." She whispered under her breath, paying the cashier and taking the now bagged items before leaving the store.


"I'm home." Y/n announced, changing from her loafers to her slippers.

She dropped her school bag on the couch and gently set her guitar case against the wall before going over to the kitchen. There, she was greeted by the sight of a blonde girl who was wiping the countertop.

"Welcome back." The girl greeted.

Sano Emma

"I have the eggs you asked for. What were you suggesting we make again?" Y/n asked as she placed the bag on the counter.

"Mikey was whining about wanting omurice so why not have it today?" Emma sighed.

"You don't have to listen to his complaints all the time, Emma. I can deal with him if you want." Y/n said, slightly tilting her head.

"C'mon, N/n. We both know you're more hopeless than I am." Emma deadpanned.

"I don't think I'm that hopeless..." Y/n muttered while looking away.

"Whatever you say, dear sister." Emma rolled her eyes as she passed Y/n to leave the room.

"Hmmm..." Y/n squinted her eyes as she stood alone, arms crossed.

"What should I do right now?" She whispered in a thinking manner.

And now, Y/n found herself at the park once more, this time in her regular outing clothes instead of her uniform, and a pair of sneakers instead of loafers. Her headphones were haphazardly placed around her neck, the volume raised all the way up so she'd be able to hear the music without actually wearing the device. The reason why? She found her ears hurting after a certain time span. Also, her guitar case was hanging from her back, which would be unusual if it weren't for the fact that she carries it almost everywhere.

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