chapter thirty one

Start from the beginning

"Right, because that makes it sound so much better," Zuko said sarcastically.

"What I felt for Yue and what I feel for Naia are two completely different things. With Yue, it was a crush, almost like an infatuation. We worked well together but I never felt that soul tie. It seemed more like a young and fleeting relationship. But with Naia, it was so different," Sokka explained. "Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself that you've been waiting your whole life to meet them?"

Zuko pondered. "Yeah...I have," He replied.

"I think she's the person I'm meant to be with," Sokka said. "Naia challenges me, in a good way. She makes me think of situations in a different way, and makes me a better person. She's strong willed and independent, yet sensitive and caring. Naia's trust is hard to earn, but when you have it, she's probably one of the best people to have as a friend. She's had to overcome so much in her life, but is still so strong. I don't know if she knows how much I admire her."

"You should tell her," Zuko said.

"Yeah...I will," Sokka sighed.

Naia didn't know what to say. Perhaps what made her heart swell the most was the fact that in that entire statement Sokka made about her, he didn't mention her looks once. Surely, Sokka had told Naia multiple times that she was beautiful, but it made her swoon even more to know that Sokka felt that way about her as a person. That he liked her personality just as much as her looks. Something that convinced her that's what made her "unlikeable", is what Sokka admired the most.

Her cheeks certainly were bright red, but she still closed her eyes and pretended she was asleep. It took everything in her not to smile, but she soon drifted back off into sleep with her lips turned upwards.

Naia awoke again to the someone lightly shaking her. She quickly opened her eyes and shook her head.

"There it is," She heard Zuko say. Naia rubbed her eyes and stood up. Ahead, she saw a small volcanic island that was steaming. "There's plenty of steam to keep up covered. As long as we're quiet, we should be able to navigate through it without being caught."

The balloon steadily started to drop. Naia looked over at Zuko and Sokka nervously. "The air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly?"

"What are we supposed to do?" Zuko asked.

"Crash landing?" Sokka suggested.

By now the balloon's underside scraped against the boiling water. Naia quickly spread her hands out and started to water bend the balloon towards the shore, making sure none of the scalding water touched the inside of the balloon. It crashed against the shore, throwing out Naia, Sokka, and Zuko onto the rocks. The balloon quickly deflated. "Well...there goes our escape plan," Naia said quietly.

"We'll figure something out," Sokka whispered.

"My uncle always said I didn't think things through. But this? This is just crazy!" Zuko whisper yelled.

Sokka walked over to the ballon and kicked it into the water. It slowly sank until it was completely submerged.

"What are you doing?" Zuko asked in an exasperated tone.

"It doesn't work anyways, and we don't need anybody finding it," Sokka said.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Zuko said. "There's no turning back now."

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