Kelsey nodded, "I know it's going to be hard, we're so upset too but you have to look at the bright side of this. Spend the time with Logan why you have it, before he leaves."

"We all cried, even the guys but we have each other to get through his. We will miss him sure but it's not the end of the world." Cara said.

I know they were trying to make me feel better and I loved them for that but it wasn't really working at the moment. My felt the tears forming and I scratched at my eyes to get them to stop. "I can't talk to him right now."

They sighed and looked at each other, "Well we tried, I guess we can tell Logan that much."

They walked off and I leaned head against the cool metal of my locker. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I pushed off and headed outside for lunch by myself.

I walked past a smirking Ashley and I avoided her gaze. She was right and she of course was going to gloat and bask in the pride of proving me room.

I ignored the whispers and stares as I sat at the picnic table outside alone. I pulled out my lunch and nibbled on a sandwich my mom made for me.

A tall figure sat down beside me and I wasn't clueless to who it was.

"I shouldn't have kept you in the dark and I'm so sorry for that but you have to know that I never knew when the right time to tell you because we always were having a fun time and I never wanted to ruin the moment with us. Please forgive me so we can spend these last few days together." Logan spoke.

"There is no other person I want to spend my last few days here than you." He said quietly, just above a whisper.

My eyes were filling me with tears again, I shook my head and stood up so he wouldn't see my cry yet again. "I'm sorry but I can't do this."

I walked off and he followed, easily catching up to me. Grabbing my hand, he stopped me from moving. He put his hands on my shoulders and forced my head up to look him in the eyes.

His eyes were sad looking, they had bags under them like he hasn't slept for days. His hair was tousled and if I knew better, he probably got as much sleep or maybe even less than I did last night.

I know I was being ridiculous and I was frankly making the pain even worse but pushing him away seemed to be the easiest thing to do.

I can't help that I push people away. I always have and it takes a lot to break down the sturdy walls I build up.

"Why are you going this? Why are you pushing me away? Do you think that this is not hurting me at all?" He asked shaking my shoulders a little.

I bit my quivering lip and tried to hold in the tears that were rolling down my already moist cheeks. Thank God we were away from the other students or I would have been so embarrassed.

"Let me tell you something Zoe," he said his voice a little more calmer, "this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I never thought moving away was going to be this damn hard but it is! And to have you ignore and avoid me when all I want is to be is with you, it's killing me! I'm hurting just as much as you are but all you're doing is pushing the people who love you away."

I was sobbing by this point, I didn't even try hiding it. I saw a few tears in Logan's eyes but I didn't stay long enough to see if they actually fell. I bolted away and I guess Logan didn't bother to stop me because I made it all the way to my car without being caught.

I have to calm down and I have to stop crying.


I ended up going home after everything happened with Logan at school. I tried to stay but every time I saw him in the hall or in class, he would look at me with his chocolate brown eyes full of hurt and sadness.

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