Chapter 34

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*Warning: This chapter is kinda sad so if you are an easy crier than have he tissues ready.

Chapter 34

"Things were all good yesterday
Then the devil took your breath away
Now we're left here in the pain
Black suit black tie standing in the rain
And now my family is one again
Stapled together with the strangers and a friend" - Afire Love - Ed Sheeran

I am so ready for it to stop being so cold.

I hug my jacket tighter around my body as I walked over to Logan's house. I haven't heard from him all day and that wasn't really normal. Logan and I have been inseparable lately and normally I am awoken by his phone calls or text messages. But not today.

He hasn't sent me one phone call, text message, or not even a snapchat. Which is so unlike him. So I decided that it was time to pay him a visit and see what the heck is up with him today.

Also, I just really miss being in his presence.

The door was locked so I used my spare key I have to his house to open up the door. The house was eerily quiet and all the lights were off. I know he is here though because his car is in the driveway.

I'm not going to lie, this is a little sketchy. "Logan?" I called out. No answer. "Logan?" I called again, a little louder this time. Again no answer.

I'm getting a little nervous and scared as I get closer to his bedroom. I take a deep breath before turning he knob just in case I'm prepared for what ever is in there. I slowly and quietly turned the knob and entered his room.

Fast asleep on his bed is Logan. I smile, he's so cute when he sleeps!

I take my shoes off and carefully get up on the bed and lay beside him. I lay my head on his chest. He stirs slightly and he must have woken up a little because he tightens his grip on me and pulls me closer to him, so now we are cuddling.

"What are you doing here?" He mumbles. I look up at him and smile, he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and he yawns.

"I was worried since you haven't spoken to me all day." I answered. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"You missed me," he stated.

"Yeah that too," I admitted and he smiled softly.

"Thanks, I could use some company right now." He said.

I sat up and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

He opened his mouth to speak but he closed it quickly and then shook his head, "Nothing," he forced a smiled.

I furrowed my eyes at him but he quickly changed subject so he apparently didn't want to talk about it.

It frustrates me how he never opens up to me.

"So," he said breaking the silence, "Have you decided about if you're going to visit your dad?"

I sighed, "No, not really. I really don't know what to do."

"Why is he in jail? If you don't mind me asking." He said curiously.

"Well for one he doesn't pay child support and because my mom really needed the money for awhile to help support us, she had to turn him in for it." I explain. "But, he left us when I was ten."

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

I shook my head, "Don't be, it's nobody else's fault but my dad's."

"But you shouldn't have to deal with that!" He argues. "Nobody should actually."

"That's how things go, you're right no one should go through divorce or their parent skipping out on them but they do. It's part of life, fair or not."

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