52: [INTERN]

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“Hey there, Baby Lali.” Chipmunk greeted enthusiastically across the counter when I entered another a new café she owned. The people in the room look at me and I smile shyly passing at them.

“Hello to you too, Baby Chip. Kindly please stop shouting my name in public.” I said and smile at her coming in front of the counter.

“Nope. Never gonna happen. I’ll do it as long as I’m pleased.” She said and wink at me made me giggle and shook my head.

“Oh, shut up. Why did you want me to come here early in the morning?” I ask while I take a step on the side since there are some costumer coming to order.

“Well… I need a hand. I need additional staff here. You see I already have servers, worker and cook I don’t have a barista… so, maybe you can lend me some hand for a week. Hehe.” She said cutely giving me her puppy eyes that she knows I can’t refuse even though she doesn’t have to do that puppy gesture.

“You should stop opening a café sooner, baby Chip, since you are running out of staff.” I protest giving her costumer an awkward smile when her costumer wink at me before leaving.

“You know how I love foods right? And you’ve been a barista from my other café the last time. I know you can do it, Lali. Besides I’m gonna be here also since I don’t have a lot of work in my company earlier and this café is just near Jennie Unnie’s company.” She said and greet some costumer that is coming inside.

“Fine. Now where is your cute uniform?” I agreed made her jump on her spot telling me to follow her.

“What’s the name of the café again?” I ask while wearing the Khaki apron she gave me.

“Lali, you’ve entered my shop without even reading the logo outside?” Baby Chip ask in disbelief while tying the apron on my back.

“I’m sorry, Its not my hubby reading the different food logo’s when my friend open a similar type of shop, which is all about food.” I said teasingly.

“Shut up. Its GREEN BEAN CAFÉ FOR YOUR INFORMATION, Ms. Lalisa.” She said and punch my back playfully made me whine and we both giggle before we got back to the counter.

A small amount of time Baby Chip and I is serving at the counter taking some orders telling the costumer to wait a few minutes while giving them a smile. Some are asking either for my number of Baby Chip, but I just let Baby Chip handle it while I gave them polite smile.

The café door chime again indicating that another costumer had come in. “Welcome GREEN BEAN CAFÉ.” I greeted and took my gaze in front after giving the order of the previous costumer. There stood a young man probably in his twenties wearing a professional attire with an envelop on his left hand. I cringe on how confident he walk like he really keep his chin up while walking through the counter. He stood next to the counter and I can tell his just tall as mine.

“Good morning. What would you like to order, Sir.?” I ask politely and he keep on watching the menu of the café.

“Is this café new here?” He ask without taking a glance on me.

“Yes, Sir. We al--.” He didn’t let me finish and cut me off making me smile in a thin line while looking at this guy.

“One Caffé Mocha and Cappuccino.” He ordered while tapping his finger on the counter impatiently.

“Is this take out or dine in, Si--.” He cut me off again making my blood boil.

“Do I look like I’m going to dine in? Of course its take out. And please hurry up and make that coffee great. I’d like to make a good impression on my boss.” He ordered impatiently while looking me.

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