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Its almost 3 days since the JRJK corp. had started to loose its investors. Even its shareholders are trying to take there shares. The other branch of the company had also got some problem making Jennie taking a hard time dealing with it.

That day Jennie woke up cuddling with her girlfriend, Lisa was cutely sleeping beside her making her smile at the sight. After she peck a kiss on her lover's cheek she received a call from Mina as another emergency from her company. She let herself slid down the bed and prepare to go at her company. She gave Lisa a last peck before starting to go out.

That morning Lisa woke up alone in the bed. Jennie went early to the JRJK Corp. because of a sudden emergency again. Lisa went down after taking a shower. She was greeted by Jennie's parents telling her to join them for breakfast which didn't decline the offer. Lisa thank the couple and head first saying after saying her gratitude. She went on her car and drove off.

Today, at the JRJKC building, Early in the morning Jennie was angry the time that she entered her office. Many investors are coming and taking their investments back. They also receive some news that some of the companies branch is having a problem still the same at past couple of days and now its getting worse.

Jennie attended a lot of meeting for almost the whole day with the finance department checking what is the problem with the other branch.

Jennie finally back on her office and she slump her body on the couch because of exhaustion. She lay her head on the back rest and close her eyes. A sudden knock on the door prevented her from droving off to sleep.

"Come In." Jennie shout.

"Ms. Kim. Take some lunch. I brought some food." Mina said. Jennie just wave her hand on Mina telling her to put it on the table with her eyes still close.

"The food I brought is actually from Ms. Lisa." Jennie shot her eyes open and immediately sit properly and look at Mina after hearing her lover's name.

"She came here?" Jennie ask looking arround her office. Mina shook her head and look at her boss in amusement.

"She went here earlier, but you weren't here. Krystal told me waited for hours but she got a call from Boo--- I mean Chaeyoung that's why she can't wait for you any longer. And I receive a call from her to make sure you won't skip a meal." Mina informed her and smile. Jennie's heart warm after hearing that. She look at the food in front of her it was all different foods that are all delicious.

Jennie fetch her phone and was about to call her Lili but she received a text making her stop from doing it.

"Hi, Nini. Take your lunch, Ok? There are some favorite food and your favorite dessert there on your meal I brought. I'm sorry if I didn't wait till you came back. There was an immediate request from our client. If you read this, I'm probably on my flight to Japan. It will just cost 1 day there. I'm sorry again for not telling you ahead. Take care, Nini. I love you."

That was the written on the text message. She tried to call Lisa but the line is busy. She let out a sigh getting sad because its been 3 days since she had spend time with her Lili. But Lisa didn't stop from reminding her to eat and always delivering her some food to make sure she won't forget to have a meal.

"You ok, Ms. Kim?" Mina ask in concern seeing her boss is having a staring contest with the food in front. Jennie look up to meet Mina's gaze with her teary eyes.

"I miss my Lili, Mina." Jennie said pitifully. Mina can't stop herself from getting amused by her boss. Jennie was so cold to everyone since this morning and was scolding every department. But this time her boss was all soft and vulnerable missing the lover of her life.

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