48: [SAME]

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Irene is blushingly looking at her phone after her friend hung-up the call.

That mandu really have a dirty mind. She thought while shaking her head while thinking that her friend really had a perfect imaginations.

"Why are looking at your phone too much, huh?" Seulgi suddenly ask from behind giving her a back hug. Irene flinch but melt eventually when she smell the intoxicating fragrant of her girlfriend.

Irene doesn't like skin ship with others but she always love it when it comes to her girlfriend. She wasn't used with it but as a lowkey whipped she is, she eventually adopt and love it in the process.

"Its just the Mandu is having her malicious mind again." Irene answered putting hand on her lovers arm giving it a small with her thumb.

"Why? Did she gave you a dirty talk again that made you blush like that." Seulgi ask tilting her head giving Irene a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Uh-huh. More than that." Irene said smiling and look at her girlfriend giving her a peck on her lips. Seulgi smile widely after that, she knows that Irene is really wasn't that affectionate and she is always happy that her lover is changing and opening at her making their relationship bloom as it could be.

"More than what, babe?" Seulgi ask looking at her girlfriend who can't stop herself from blushing.

"More than its us who were doing dirty at the moment." Irene blush furiously avoiding her girlfriend's eyes. Seulgi can't stop herself on laughing while observing how shy is Irene while talking about having sex.

"Making love isn't dirty at all, babe." Seulgi tease.

"Ye-yeah. But its weird when you've been told of doing it, when you aren't doing it at this specific time." Irene while and playfully smack her lovers arm. Seulgi laugh at it and they both fell on a small lovers conversation.

Lisa on the other hand is looking at her friends who was busy making a lovely-dovey with their girlfriends which Lisa is both happy and bitter at the moment because she thought that her Nini is angry at her.

"Ugh! I should make this work or I won't be having like those this days. Hmp." Lisa sulk while glaring at her oblivious friends.

"It will work." Krystal said quietly who is currently seating on the floor just meters away from her who is also exhausted for all the dancing the Thai had been given. Lisa heard Krystal making her snap goes to her.

"You think so?" Lisa ask hopefully looking at Krystal.

"Of course." Krystal answered non-chantly while looking down oblivious who is the person talking at her.

"Thank you, Krystal-ssi." Lisa said sincerely.

"Your welco-..." Krystal look up making her stop from talking realizing that she is talking at Lisa. As an instinct of a receptionist she is, she stand up and do a ninety degrees bow." Y-your welcome Ms. P-I mean. Ms. Bruschweiler. No-I mean Ms. Manoban. Oh my gosh I'm sorry, Ms. Lisa." Krystal blubbered from embarrassment. Since Krystal had known Lisa's real identity she was become more shy in front of the Thai.

Lisa let out a chuckle and wave her hand to make Krystal sit again. "Just Lisa, Krystal-ssi. We're friends already and no need to be formal. Your making me feel old at the age of 20." Lisa said and smile.

"O-okay then, I'll call you Just Lisa." Krystal stuttered but joke at the end that made them both laugh.

"Yah! Bear! Ostrich! Cubby! Stop doing a lovely-dovey here, your making Krystal feel single." Lisa shout making the six lovers turn their head at her.

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